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The mission of a Navy commissary is to pro-
vide authorized resale items for sale to authorized
commissary patrons at the lowest practical price.
The commissary operates within a facility that is
designed and managed to meet the standards
used in commercial food stores. As a senior
petty officer in charge of a commissary, you will
have many contacts with civilian dependents and
retired personnel as well as active duty military
personnel. You must use all of the management
skills and knowledge available to you to improve
service, to stimulate sales, and to promote morale
for the benefit of all of your commissary
Commissaries will consist of any or all of the
following departments:
Department S-1Grocery, prepackaged
meats, and household
Department S-3Red meats, pork,
poultry, and seafood products requiring pro-
cessing (as distinguished from prepackaged meats
of Department S-1)
Department S-4Fruits and vegetables
Department MSMiscellaneous supplies
The field support office (FSO) of the Navy
Resale and Services Support Office (NAVRESSO)
performs the primary support functions of the
Navy Resale and Services Support Office over the
commissary. All orders and instructions issued by
the Navy Resale and Services Support Office FSO
in the discharge of these functions will have the
same force and effect as if the orders were issued
by the Navy Resale and Services Support Office.
For an individual commissary, the Navy
Resale and Services Support Office performs the
following functions:
1. Recommends to the Commander, Naval
Supply Systems Command for the establishment
and disestablishment of stores
2. Initiates instructions, notices, and manual
changes, as appropriate, pertaining to operations
3. Conducts surveys, management reviews,
and advisory visits to stores to evaluate individual
performance and compliance with policies,
directives, and procedures issued by the Navy
Resale and Services Support Office, the Naval
Supply Systems Command, and higher authority
4. Purchases materials as required and
establishes and administers field procurement
policies in connection with purchase of certain
5. Prepares plans for store designs and layouts
and maintains liaison on these matters with the
Naval Supply Systems Command and other
technical bureaus, commands, or offices con-
6. Develops commissary budgetary require-
ments, administers allotments for procurement of
material under the Navy Stock Fund project, and
administers the Commissary Reserve Fund
7. Conducts store management courses for
naval officers and civilian personnel and prepares
field operational training material
8. Exercises inventory control when needed
in the operation of a commissary
Most of these functions are only a telephone
call away. Usually, arrangements for any of these
services can be made by telephone via the resale
activity officer in charge and the NAVRESSO