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Billet Assignment Chart
The billet assignment chart (or position chart)
is used either to show assignments of personnel
by name, title, and rank or grade within billet
requirements within each organizational compo-
nent of an existing organization, or to show billet
requirements by title and rank or grade for a
planned organization. However, for organization
manuals, personnel listings are usually used in-
stead of charts and may consist of already com-
piled listings such as manpower authorizations.
Combination Chart
When an organization is fairly simple, a com-
bination chart can be used to depict all three
organizational aspects. For example, figure 3-3
shows a combination chart for a ships store divi-
sion of a destroyer (DD). Notice that this chart
displays all the organizational components, the
functions of each component, and the names of
personnel assigned to each component.
Now that you have the ships store division
organized on paper, consideration must be given
to arranging the physical layout of your
workspaces. Attention should be given to such
things as mission,
work flow, and use of
Layout analysis is a procedure designed for
better use of space, personnel, and equipment. It
involves the study of the physical facilities in a
work area for the purpose of improving the work
flow and working conditions.
A layout chart is the principal tool for this type
of analysis. The chart consists of a floor plan of
the workspace, usually drawn to a scale of 1/4
inch to 1 foot. Features that restrict usable space
such as doors, windows, electrical outlets, stan-
chions, and radiators are then located on the chart
and identified. Next, templates of the movable
equipment, drawn to the same scale as the layout
chart, are placed on the chart in their present
arrangement. The templates can be fashioned
from pieces of cardboard or plastic. Work flow
can be identified by arrowed lines for indicating
direction. After you have carefully analyzed the
layout chart, you can rearrange the templates to
test new layouts and work flows. See the before
layout charts for a laundry
Figure 3-3.Combination chart for a ships store division of a DD.