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for the Recreation Fund. Such funds become
available for expenditures for specific purposes.
These funds must be expended within the dis-
cretion of and under regulations prescribed
by the Secretary of the Navy. Profits generated
by the ships store during an accounting period
must be transferred according to guidelines
in NAVSUP P-487. Use a NAVCOMPT 2277 to
cover the amount of ships store profits that will
be transferred to the Recreation Fund. Check your
NAVSUP P-487 for additional details.
While you are using your ships store records
and returns to determine ways to improve your
ships store operations, your returns will also be
audited and analyzed by external organizations.
The ways in which the FAADCS and NAVRESSO
will analyze the information you have submitted
on your ships store returns are discussed
FAADC Analysis
Once you submit your ships store returns to
the appropriate FAADC (FAADCLANT or
FAADCPAC), the FAADC does not just file
away the returns. Just as you derive certain
auditing and management information from your
ships store returns, the FAADC also conducts
an audit of the returns. Besides auditing your
ships store returns, the FAADC performs the
following functions:
Maintains files and reconciles documents
for receipts from purchase and receipts from other
supply officers
Effects reconciliation of all cash reported
in ships store returns
Effects payment of dealers bills
When the FAADC audits your returns, the
auditors pay close attention to the headings on
your NAVCOMPT 153, your opening and clos-
ing inventories, and the funds brought forward.
Substantiation of all entries is very important.
Substantiation is checked very closely. All loans
and grants must be covered by authorization
documents and repayment plans.
Besides the submission of your returns,
you must also provide the FAADC with
required receipts documents. The FAADC
will file and reconcile these documents as part
of the external analysis of your ships store
operation. On a monthly basis, you must
forward one legible copy of each receipt
document covering receipts by purchase
(DD 1155) and receipts by transfer (DD 1149,
1348, and 1348-1) under a letter of trans-
mittal. These documents must be forwarded as
For service designator R:
Fleet Accounting and Disbursing Center
U.S. Pacific Fleet (Code AF3-2)
937 North Harbor Drive
San Diego, CA 92132
For service designator V:
Fleet Accounting and Disbursing Center
U.S. Atlantic Fleet (Code FOFA-42)
Building 132
Norfolk, VA 23511
Receipt documents covering transactions for
the month must be separated by purchase and
transfer documents (each with an attached adding
machine tape listing cost price) and must be
mailed no later than 7 days after the end of each
month. Documents should be securely packaged
in envelopes or boxes. The name, address, and
unit identification code of the ship should appear
in the upper left corner of each package, under
which will be Receipt documents for the month
o f
. If two or more packages
are used, the number of the package should be
included. A copy of the letters of transmittal and
adding machine tapes must be filed with the
retained returns. If no transactions occurred
during a month, a negative letter report should
be forwarded to FAADCLANT or FAADCPAC
for that month. Procedures for adjustments to
receipt documents are outlined in NAVSUP
The Navy Resale
and Services Support
uses the information
you submit in the NAVCOMPT 153 to prepare
an analysis of your ships store operation. See