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Freight terminal divisionReceives, ships.
delivers, and controls the movement of all
Labor and equipment divisionMaintains
a residual labor and equipment pool.
Mobile Logistics Support Force
The purpose of the MLSF is to keep the fleet
supplied with fuel, food, general stores, technical
repair parts, and services. These materials and
services are made available through underway
replenishment (UNREP) or in-port replenishment
(INREP) in foreign harbors. Through the use of
the MLSF, the fleet can remain at sea for pro-
tracted periods of time.
Some of the ships that makeup the MLSF are
as follows:
Combat stores ships (AFS)Carry a
load of general stores, ships repair parts, elec-
tronic repair parts, aviation repair parts, food
items, and ships store stock. The shopping guides
for the AFS are the Afloat Shopping Guide (ASG)
and Consolidated Afloat Requisitioning Guide
Overseas (CARGO).
Stores ships (AF)Carry a wide variety of
frozen and dry foods items and certain items of
general stores and ships store stock.
Oilers (AO)Carry bulk fuels, a deckload
of bottled gas and drummed oil, and some items
of general stores and ships store stock.
Ammunition ships (AE)Carry explosives
and hazardous ammunition and related materials.
Fast combat support ships (AOE)A
high-speed combination of the AE and AO.
Destroyer/submarine tenders (AD/AS)
Belong to type commanders and carry a range of
repair parts and consumables to support a specific
ship type.
These ships act as extensions of the supply
system and are actually specialized afloat supply
depots. The stores issue ships conduct business
at sea by highline or helicopter transfer, or in
foreign ports. These transfers are known as under-
way replenishment (UNREP), vertical replenish-
ment (VERTREP), or in-port replenishment
The overall purpose of the Navy Resale
System is to provide authorized patrons with
quality merchandise and services at reasonable
prices. By offering attractive, convenient, well-
managed facilities, the Navy Resale System con-
tributes to the morale of the men and women in
the naval service. The Resale System consists of
four separate programs: Navy exchanges, com-
missary stores, ships stores afloat, and Military
Sealift Command (MSC) exchanges. All of these
programs are managed by the Navy Resale and
Services Support Office (NAVRESSO) which was
created by the Naval Supply Systems Command
as a field activity.
The Navy Resale and Services Support Office
watches over the effectiveness of the Navy Resale
and Services Support System and acts as a cen-
tral manager for the systems individual programs.
As the Navys Resale Systems central
management activity, NAVRESSOs mission is
defined as follows:
To provide support for resale services,
clothing, and food services, afloat and ashore
To conduct clothing and textile research
and development
To perform such other functions as may
be directed by the Commander, Naval Supply
Systems Command
According to the goals of the Navy Resale
System, the Navy Resale and Services Support
Office directs, operates, and provides manage-
ment, administrative, and technical guidance to
Navy Resale and Services Support regions and
commissary stores, Navy and Military Sealift
Command exchanges, Navy ships stores and
ships stores activities afloat, and enlisted dining
facilities afloat and ashore. NAVRESSO also
develops and monitors procedures for maintaining
officers messes afloat and provides technical and
management guidance to the naval uniform pro-
gram. NAVRESSO commands the Navy Clothing
and Textile Research Facility (NCTRF) which
conducts clothing and textile research and
development. NAVRESSO also directs the Navy