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The CARGO also carries a list of ships store
items that are of high use on ships store afloat
stocking plans. When your ship is in CONUS, you
will use the nearest naval supply center (NSC).
NAVRESSO/Fleet Assistance
Whenever you have problems in the procure-
ment of certain stock items, NAVRESSO will pro-
vide assistance to you upon request. You should
submit a purchase order for money value only.
NAVRESSO will take procurement action along
any lines you request and will forward the desired
materials to your ship.
You can also acquire technical guidance from
NAVRESSOs fleet assistance representatives.
Upon request, the master and senior chief petty
officers NAVRESSO has positioned in port areas
will provide you with technical assistance for your
own procurement operations. As mentioned
earlier, you can acquire NAVRESSO assistance
by telephone, by desk visits to the fleet assistance
office in your area, or by a written request for
an advisory visit to be made to your ship.
You should consult your NAVSUP P-487 for
a complete listing of fleet assistance offices and
their locations. You should submit any written
requests for assistance by following the procedures
listed in NAVSUP P-487 and the instructions of
your ship (or local command).
The next major factor you should consider in
stocking the ships store is the operational
schedule of your ship. You should carefully
anticipate the length of deployment, the area of
operation, holiday seasons, the weather in the
area, and other considerations before your ship
actually departs from its home port. Normally,
you can use past experience to prepare for a
deployment. A 90-day supply of stock will usually
be adequate.
Under special operating conditions or
emergency deployment, stock increases are usually
necessary for the following categories.
Confection and food products
Fountain supplies, if applicable
Smoking products and accessories
Stationery supplies
Barber, laundry, dry-cleaning, and tailor
supplies as required
Vending machine supplies
When your ship is deployed to an overseas
area, you can increase your inventory in an
amount necessary to stock sufficient quantities of
deployed load items, as listed in your Con-
solidated Afloat Requisitioning Guide Overseas
As mentioned earlier, when your inventory
limitation is increased, as authorized by special
operating conditions or by deployment, you must
forward a letter report to NAVRESSO, with a
copy to the type commander. The report must
contain the following information.
Monetary value of the increase
Reason for the increase
The period for which the increase is taken
Number of personnel on board
The increase should be included in the inventory
control records in the Authorized Increase col-
umn. Remember, your inventories will generally
be maintained at the prescribed levels unless an
increase is otherwise authorized in support of the
operational needs of your ship. For additional
information on authorized increases, consult your
In previous sections, you have read how to
determine what merchandise is authorized, how
to maintain effective control of stock, and how
to use various resources including technical
assistance to help you decide what to order. Once
you have made those decisions, your problem then
becomes one of deciding how and from what
source you should procure the merchandise
As a senior Ships Serviceman, you will be
expected to assist the ships store officer