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By now you are probably aware that there are
several publications that are directly concerned
with Ships Serviceman work. In fact, you may
even be familiar with some of the basic publica-
tions. For your convenience, the following sum-
maries are provided on a few of the important
publications with which you, as a senior Ships
Serviceman, may work:
Ships Store Afloat, NAVSUP Publication
487The procedures contained in this publica-
tion establish policy for the operation and
management of a ships store afloat. The pro-
cedures are designed to assist ships store person-
nel in the proper performance of their assigned
duties and to aid them in understanding and
fulfilling their responsibilities.
Afloat Supply Procedures, N A V S U P
Publication 485This publication establishes
policies for the operation and management of
afloat supply departments and activities operating
under afloat procedures. It is designed to assist
supply personnel in the proper performance of
their assigned duties and to aid them in under-
standing and performing their individual tasks
associated with afloat supply operations.
Navy Exchange Manual, NAVRESSO In-
struction 4066.17This publication contains
comprehensive instructions for operating Navy ex-
changes and is designed to standardize the ad-
ministration, organization, and operation of all
such exchanges.
Navy Customer Service Manual, NAVED-
TRA 10119-BThis special publication is
designed to provide the enlisted personnel who
man the contact pointse.g., Disbursing Clerks,
Ships Servicemen, Commissarymen, Personnel-
menwith information concerning the impor-
tance and improvement of customer service. The
publication has been developed to make you
aware of the importance of proper attitudes and
their effect on everyday performance; and it
demonstrates to you how worthwhile a continuing
effort to develop positive attitudes in interpersonal
relationships can be.
In addition to basic publications associated
with Ships Serviceman work, rate training
manuals exist to provide you with detailed infor-
mation on the Ships Serviceman rating and to
help you meet the occupational standards for ad-
vancement to SH1 and SHC.
Ships Serviceman 3 & 2, modules 1 and
2The modules of this rate training manual pro-
vide detailed information to help Ships Service-
men fulfill the overall requirements of the rating.
Module 1 discusses the administration of the
ships store and operations in retail and service
activities. Module 2 covers various ships store
accounting procedures and financial returns.
Satisfactory completion of these training modules
is required for advancement to SH3 and SH2. If
you have already met this requirement by satisfac-
torily completing an earlier edition of Ships Ser-
viceman 3 &2, you should at least review the new
modules. Much of the information presented in
this edition of Ships Serviceman 1 & C is based
on the assumption that you are already familiar
with the contents of the Ships Serviceman 3 &
2, modules 1 and 2.
Ships Serviceman 1 & CThe informa-
tion in this rate training manual is designed to help
Ships Servicemen meet the qualifications for
advancement to First Class Ships Serviceman and
Chief Ships Serviceman. Leadership and manage-
ment responsibilities of the senior Ships Service-
man are stressed.
Before you study any book, it is a good idea
for you to understand the scope and purpose of
the book. Here are some things you should know
about this rate training manual.
This edition of Ships Serviceman 1 & C
is designed to help you meet the occupational
qualifications for advancement to First Class
Ships Serviceman and Chief Ships Serviceman.
The information presented in this manual
discusses the organization of the Navy supply
system; administration of retail and service
operations; procurement, receipt, expenditure,
and documentation procedures; the auditing
of returns; and the administration of commis-
saries in terms of the management and leader-
ship responsibilities of the senior Ships
You must complete this rate training
manual satisfactorily before you can advance to
SH1 or SHC, whether you are in the regular Navy
or the Naval Reserve.