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is bad enough to disrupt the receiving operation,
notify the ships store officer. He or she may want
to reschedule the delivery for a later date. This
may not always be possible due to the ships
schedule or problems with the carrier or vendor.
In case of inclement weather, you must take
additional steps to receive the stock. Since the
stock cannot be assembled on the pier for
counting, count the stock as it is removed from
the carrier to the stowage area. This is not a
desirable procedure; however, if the stock must
be received that day, you can use ibis method to
prevent water damage to the stock. Remember,
there may be quite a distance between the carrier
and a covered area so provide each person
carrying stock with a large plastic bag to cover
and protect the stock while it is being carried to
the stowage area.
When you use the above procedure always
count each line item in its entirety before you send
it to the stowage area. This is done so the driver
of the carrier can witness any differences between
your count and the amount on the receipt
The receipt inspector is the first person to
accept merchandise. Once items are delivered to
the ship, the quantities counted will be checked
against the receipt papers and the copy of the
requisition or purchase order in the Receipt
Inspector File (SSA-23). The methods of accepting
receipts are discussed below.
Accepting Receipts From
Other Supply Officers
Once the receipt inspector inspects receipts
from OSOs for quantity and quality, he or she
will sign for the material and circle the quantity
received on either the DD Form 1149 or DD Form
1348-1. If there is a difference between the
physical amount received and the amount on the
requisition, the actual amount should be indicated
on the requisition and circled. The amount over
or short will be accounted for by the ships store
office, If the quality of the item or items is
unsatisfactory, you are required to accept it when
it involves receipts from OSOs. The unsatisfactory
merchandise will be disposed of by survey later.
Accepting Receipts From Purchase
Once the receipt inspector inspects receipts
from purchase for quantity and quality, he or she
will accept the material only when the quantity
of the items received is the same quantity as shown
on the DD Form 1155 and the quality of the
item(s) is satisfactory. Any merchandise noted as
being unsatisfactory will be returned to the vendor
and not accepted. If the quantity and quality are
acceptable, the receipt inspector will receive the
merchandise as shown in figure 4-1. First, the
receipt inspector will circle the quantity received
on the DD Form 1155; second, he or she will
check the Inspected and Received blocks in block
26 of the DD Form 1155; third, he or she will enter
the date, sign his or her name, and enter grade
in block 26 of the DD Form 1155. If the quantity
of the items physically received is different than
the quantity shown on the DD Form 1155, you
may accept the lesser quantity by doing the
Record and circle the actual quantity
received on the DD Form 1155.
Check the inspected, received, and
accepted and conforms except as noted below
blocks in block 26 of the DD Form 1155.
Date, sign your name, and enter grade in
block 26 of the DD Form 1155.
If the quantity is incorrect or the quality of the
items received is not satisfactory, notify the ships
store officer of the circumstances so the vendor
can be contacted.
In the case of tax-free tobacco products, one
of the following export forms will be presented
by the vendor once you are ready to accept the
Notice of Removal of Tobacco, Tobacco
Products, or Cigarette Papers or Tubes from
Factory Export, Internal Revenue Service Form
Notice of Removal of Tobacco Products
or Cigarette Paper or Tubes from Warehouse for
Export, Internal Revenue Service Form 2150
These forms must be signed by a commissioned
officer, when available, or a responsible petty
officer. The person signing the forms will specify
his or her grade and title in the space marked Title
and sign the forms. These forms must be returned
to the manufacturer or warehouse proprietor
making the shipment for appropriate action.