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This training manual (TRAMAN) has been
prepared for members of the Regular Navy and
Naval Reserve in the Ships Serviceman rating
who are preparing for advancement to Ships
Serviceman second class.
Refer to the SH advancement handbook for
petty officers for information on the Navy
advancement system, naval standards, occupa-
tional standards, and bibliographies for Ships
Serviceman. This handbook is updated each
January and is available through the educational
services offices.
As a Ships Serviceman your duties up to now
have included a variety of tasks. Now, you will
perform more administrative and supervisory
types of tasks. You maybe assigned duties in the
ships store office operating the ROM system,
work as a cash collection agent, or work in one
of the other service activities.
Ships store records have been automated
through the use of the Resale Operations Manage-
ment (ROM) system. The ROM system was tested
on several ships before it was implemented. The
system has proven to increase the accuracy and
timeliness of recordskeeping. The system can also
make your job easier because it does the work
electronically that you now do by hand, such as
mathematical computations, computing markups,
posting receipts and breakout to the stock record,
and so forth.
The system itself and the ROM system
Terminal Users Guide (TUG) were developed by
the Navy Management System Support Office
(NAVMASSO), Norfolk, VA. The Terminal
Users Guide provides detailed information on
how to operate the ROM. This guide is available
free from NAVMASSO. NAVMASSO has also
published a Resale Operations Management
(ROM) desk top guide which is a supplement to
the ROM Terminal Users Guide. It is made up
exclusively of job sheets, with each job sheet
containing a step-by-step guide for performing a
ROM function such as adding a new Stock
Record, NAVSUP Form 464, to the stock record
master file. The principal procedures for the use
of the ROM system are contained in detail
in the ROM Terminal Users Guide. The ROM
functions contained in this guide are based on the
procedures contained in the Ships Store Afloat,
NAVSUP P-487. The ROM system will work very
well with these existing policies and procedures.
None of the capabilities the ROM system currently
has or current policies/procedures contained in
the Terminal User's Guide will be eliminated. The
only changes that may occur will be on the
methods used to gather, process, display, and
store information. The ROM system will be
discussed throughout this manual; however, when
performing your daily duties using the ROM you
should always refer to the ROM system Terminal
Users Guide and the NAVSUP P-487.
Requests to implement the ROM system
should be submitted to the type commander. The
type commander will contact NAVMASSO and
set up a schedule for implementation on board
ships. NAVMASSO is responsible for imple-
menting the ROM system for ships stores afloat.
The successful implementation of the ROM
should take no longer than one accounting period.
Since ROM is able to print certain records,
reports, and logs used in the ships store
operation, the ROM form should be used in place
of the preprinted form. The ROM form is as valid
as the preprinted form, and the format is the
same. The maintenance of manual ships store
records maintained by the ROM will not be
required once the ROM has been successfully