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1-40. As applied to human relations, leadership  should be defined in what manner? 1. The ability to direct or influence the behavior of others toward a set of  goals 2. The ability to lead personnel to achieve  their  goals 3.  Accepting  additional responsibilities  and  carrying  them out  until  complete 4.  Possessing  the  many  different qualities in a good leader 1-41. What manual was written to assist petty  officers  in  leading  their personnel? 1. NAVSUP Manual, volume 1 2. Navy  Department  General  Orders 3. Human  Behavior  and  Leadership, NAVEDTRA 10058 4. NAVSUP P-485 1-42. The supply officer has the ultimate responsibility  for  assigning  personnel to various jobs. However, due to the number of personnel and the amount of work to be done, the supply officer will have to rely heavily on which of the  following  factors? 1. How well personnel are performing their  jobs 2. The members’    initiative  in  doing new jobs 3.  The  experience  and  knowledge  that the  individuals  have  in  performing their work 4.  The  leading  SK’s  recommendations for  assigning  personnel  to  their jobs 1-43. When you are assigning duties in an office, what should be your first step? 1. Preparing a list of jobs that are required 2. Assigning all menial tasks to one individual 3.  Assigning  closely  related  tasks  to one  person 4.  Letting  equally  rated  persons  pick their own tasks 1-44. What is the major purpose of a job analysis? 1. To make the tasks easier 2. To make effective use of manpower 3. To make effective use of equipment 4. To make effective use of space 1-45. When doing a job analysis, you should consider  the  effectiveness  of  the person performing the task. 1.  True 2. False 1-46. Once you have analyzed all the jobs that need to be performed, what action do you need to take next to fulfill  this  analysis? 1. Select a rated individual 2. Select a person who just reported to the division 3. Match the person with the skill requirements 4. Match a person who has more experience  in  a  particular  job 1-47. When you are determining what individuals  have  the  right  aptitudes and  interests  for  particular assignments,  which  of  the  following factors  should  be  considered? 1. The rate of the individual 2. The way he or she handles other people 3. The way he or she wears his or her uniform 4.  The  individual’s  personality traits make the member suited or unsuited 1-48. What is the desired end result of task  assignments? 1. Each person will have the same number  of  tasks  assigned 2. No person will be assigned to a task unless that person has been previously  trained 3.  Tasks  are  completed  accurately  and on time with the work being equally  distributed 4. All tasks will be accomplished simultaneously 5

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