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4-7. A manual search by the fleet
accounting office is required whenever
a monetary difference between the
SFOEDL and the amount obligated
exceeds what minimum amount?
1. $3,000
2. $1,000
4-8. After completing the review and
validation of the SFOEDL, you are
required to return the listing to the
fleet accounting office at what
specific time?
1. Immediately
2. When your next document is
3. On the 10th working day of the
following month
4. On the 5th working day of the
following month
4-9. All OPTAR transactions for the
accounting period are on what listing?
1. Summary Filled
2. Aged Unfilled Order Listing
3. Detailed Filled
4. Unmatched Expenditure Listing
4-10. The ships departmental budget report
will show each department head what
pertinent information?
1. Balance of money
2. Requisition numbers
3. Money left over from prior years
4. Material needed by the ship
4-11. What office will calculate the
differences of all received
4-12. The ships departmental budget is
prepared what number of times a
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
4-13. Which of the following figures are
usually obtained from the OPTAR
accounting reports?
1. Actual expenditures of funds
received by your ship
2. Anticipated expenditures of your
ships funds
3. Total obligations of your ships
4. Deficiencies of equipage funds
4-14. Normally, a senior SKs
responsibility for supply returns and
reports includes which of the
following actions?
1. Reviewing and auditing the
documents before submission
2. Approving the documents before
submission to higher authority
3. Preparing the documents for
approval of the supply officer
4. Assigning qualified persons to
prepare and audit the documents to
ensure accuracy
4-15. The auditing of reports will make
sure which of the following
requirements is/are met?
1. Reports are correctly prepared
2. Required supporting documents are
3. Attached supporting documents
substantiate amounts reported
4. All of the above
1. Supply
2. Budget
3. Administration
4. Fleet accounting