| |
and validation but not later than the time limits
specified earlier.
Detail Filled Order/Expenditure/
Difference Listing
In addition to the listings discussed above, the
fleet accounting office also prepares a Detail Filled
Order/Expenditure/Difference Listing monthly.
This listing itemizes all matched unfilled orders
and expenditures (regardless of difference),
threshold and direct charged expenditures, and
corrections and administrative cancellations
of below threshold unfilled orders. It repre-
sents the complete reconciliation of unfilled
orders and expenditures for the accounting
period. Figure 3-11 illustrates a Detail Filled
Order/Expenditure/Difference Listing for a fleet
unit. This monthly listing is retained by the fleet
accounting office on microfilm or other media.
Refer to the NAVSO P-3013-2 for information
requesting a particular copy of the Detail Filled
Order/Expenditure/Difference Listing.
The establishment of departmental and ships
budgets provides a method for the most equitable
distribution of a ships OPTAR funds. Although
reports on these budgets are not required, they
may be established at the discretion of the
TYCOM or commanding officer.
Figure 3-11.Detailed Filled Order/Expenditure/Difference.