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Dealers invoices should be paid by the office
indicated on the purchase document. Purchase
orders, contracts, and blanket purchase agree-
ments (BPAs) that are issued by an ashore activity
should specify the payment office. Except as
otherwise mentioned earlier, purchase orders
issued by your ship will specify the most
appropriate of the following payment offices:
Payment Offices
NSC, Pearl Harbor, HI
Fleet Units Served
Atlantic Fleet ships
(CONUS only)
Pacific Fleet ships (CONUS
and Alaska only)
Pacific Fleet ships (for
purchases in Hawaii only)
Since a purchase document is not required for
material or services procured by a BPA, there are
special procedures that you must do for processing
a vendors document that pertains to BPA
purchases. These procedures are discussed next.
Delivery Tickets
Materials or services processed by a BPA call
normally will be furnished with an accompanying
delivery ticket that, except for one copy, is
required to be received immediately and returned
to the vendor. Regardless of who is designated
in the BPA to receive the delivery ticket that is
returned to the vendor, the retained copy should
be received by an authorized representative of the
department that initiated the request for the
material or service. After the receipt data has been
entered in the Requisition/OPTAR Log, the
retained copy should be filed with the applicable
BPA log pending receipt of the dealers invoice.
Dealers Invoices
Dealers invoices for BPA purchases usually
are prepared and submitted periodically under the
instructions and terms provided in the BPA.
Depending on the instructions in the BPA, either
an itemized invoice or a summary invoice can be
submitted for payment. A summary invoice can
be required to be supported by copies of received
delivery tickets, or it can be required only to list
the delivery document numbers and dates. In any
event, when you receive the dealers invoice, you
should promptly match it with your retained copy
of the related delivery ticket. If the invoice is
correct and proper, you should process it as
l Either on the front or back of the first
copy, enter the certification Received, inspected,
and accepted by (your ships name and hull
number) on (date);
your supply officers
signature and rank; and the complete accounting
. On the retained copy, enter the
information that was discussed in the previous
paragraph on Retained Copies.
. Forward the original and three copies of
the certified invoice to the payment office
indicated on the BPA. If you determine that the
dealers invoice reflects erroneous charges, you
should return it within 15 days to the vendor with
a cover letter for correction and resubmission.
Disposition of Retained Documents
After a dealers invoice for BPA purchases has
been forwarded for payment, the retained copy
of the invoice or delivery ticket should be attached
to the hardback copy of the related DD Form
1348. Upon attaching the invoice to the DD Form
1348, it should be removed from the outstanding
file. However, if it is a continuous obligation
document, it should be left in the outstanding file.
See figure 6-14 for the procedures involved in the
receipt of purchased material.
When preparing documents for issues, you can
use a variety of forms. Your choice of form will
depend on whether the issue is for your ship or
it is being made to another ship or activity. A few
different forms that your ship can use for issue
and for receipt of material are discussed in the
following paragraphs.
The types of forms that can be used for
requesting material to be ordered or issued are the
NAVSUP Form 1250-1 and DD Forms 1348 and
1348-1. We have discussed these forms earlier in