| |
lifts can be discharged by the vessel lifting gear) or
nonself-sustaining (heavy lifts cannot be discharged by
the vessel lifting gear). See figure 9-9.
Manifest Summary
The ocean cargo manifest summary is the official
source document used by the MSC to render billings for
ocean transportation. A separate summary is prepared
by the manifesting activity for each discharge port. To
summarize cargo, you should use the following
l Cargo must be summarized by measurement ton
(M/T) for each different transportation account code
(TAC) within each major commodity category for each
DOD agency responsible for payment of transportation
. Summarized M/Ts must be rounded to the nearest
whole M/T, for example, fractional M/Ts of .4 or less
are dropped and those of .5 or more are rounded to the
next whole.
. Cargo stored on deck is listed separately and
identified by an X in the On Deck column of the DD
Form 1336. See figure 9-10.
If possible, commercial carrier service should
used for the transportation of material. However,
directed by local naval authority having cognizance over
the motor vehicles, government owned and operated
equipment may be used to transport freight for any
distance up to 100 miles. For activities located in or near
a city, the metropolitan area is usually the freight hauling
limit for government-owned motor vehicles. Two
exceptions to the 100-mile limitation are recognized and
discussed in the following paragraph.
When the area coordinator determines that any
emergency exists, the use of government owned and
operated motor vehicles is justified for security reasons.
Also, if using such vehicles would be in the best interest
of the government, they maybe used to transport freight
regardless of the distance involved, provided that state
permits are not required because of excessive
dimensions or weight. Care should be exercised to make
sure government vehicles comply with all safety
regulations and material is properly loaded within the
state axle weight limitations. However, when it is
determined that repeated use of government owned and
operated motor vehicles for scheduled trips exceeding
100 miles is required, the following information must
be forwarded to NAVSUP (Deputy Commander,
Transportation) at the time such determination is made:
. The points between which the scheduled trips are
to be made
l The approximate amount of tonnage involved
. The nature of the material to be transported
Figure 9-9.Ocean Cargo Manifest Recapitulation, DD Form 1386.