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job. You benefit because your job of planning
work and leave schedules is easier since the most
efficient use can be made of personnel. The
member benefits because of a feeling of ac-
complishment and pride in work and the chance
of advancement are greatly increased.
It is difficult to describe a good supervisor and
even more difficult to become one. The methods
of supervision depend on the individual
personality and traits of the people being
supervised and the supervisor.
The most effective supervision is maintained
when there is mutual respect between the
supervisor and the subordinates. A form of
supervision exists when all work is performed in
response to specific orders and exactly as ordered.
However, this form of supervision is unfair to
both the supervisor and the subordinate since it
requires the supervisor to use an excessive amount
of time on details, and it robs the subordinate of
responsibility and the initiative the subordinate
must have to become a better SK.
Nearly everyone has a built-in competitive
spirit that can be used to advantage. Competition
may exist between members of different
storerooms, between storeroom and office
personnel, between supply divisions, or between
departments. If you sense that worthwhile
competition is being replaced by petty fault-
finding, it is time to rechannel the misdirected
Span of Control
The number of individuals you can supervise
adequately depends on the work you have to do
and the amount of time required to accomplish
it. The number of personnel directly supervised
by one person should generally not be less than
three nor more than seven. If the functions of
your office are fairly routine, the span of control
may be larger. However, when you find yourself
bogged down to such an extent that you cannot
find time for supervision or for your special
duties, then it is time to reduce your larger span
of (direct) control.
Each group should be headed by a petty
officer responsible to you for the professional
(and sometimes military) performance of the
people in the group. This leaves you free to
supervise broadly, to concentrate on problems
needing special attention, to handle special work
assigned by your supervisor, and to attend to
those duties that can be performed only by the
leading Storekeeper.
Unity of Command
Unity of command simply means that a person
should report directly to and receive orders from
one superior. When you assign responsibility to
a petty officer for a group of people, the petty
officer should have control. This means that the
petty officer alone should issue orders to and
receive reports from that group. Unity of
command also requires that the petty officer
knows who the petty officer directs and to whom
the petty officer reports, and that the members
of the group understand to whom they report.
Authority Equals Responsibility
Good organization always matches responsi-
bility with authority. This means that when you
assign responsibility for doing a job to one of your
subordinates you also delegate to the subordinate
the necessary authority for its accomplishment.
The subordinate should have the authority to
require from those under supervision the action
necessary to get the job done.
How Much Supervision?
It is a curious thing that while most of us like
to feel that our seniors know what is going on,
we strongly resent the sense that someone is
watching our every move. We especially resent
being watched if we think the watcher is
constantly looking for something to complain
With people whose abilities and methods of
working you know well, you actually can dismiss
thoughts about a piece of work once it is assigned.
However, this is not always true. A good
supervisor knows which workers can be relied
upon to proceed on their own and which ones
need closer supervision and direction. Just the fact
that you are paying attention to what they do has
a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of the office.
One mistake commonly made by less
experienced supervisors is to do a great deal of
observing but apply very little thought to what
is observed.
A successful supervisor often gets more out
of a brief, casual visit than another supervisor
would get from standing around for an hour
watching the person at work. This is because the