| |
5. Logistics support data file processing
6. Ships equipment configuration file main-
7. The tracking of maintenance actions for
an availability
8. Printed management reports
9. On-line report display of maintenance
10. Pretransmittal review processing
11. CSMP reporting process for off-ship
12. Access to the ships COSAL
Figure 10-5 shows the main menu of the MDS.
This is the screen you will see after the main screen
for the whole system, as given in figure 10-4. The
subsystem manager for the MDS is usually the
ships 3-M coordinator.
Supply and Financial Management
The SFM is an interactive subsystem that
supports requirements processing, inventory
management, financial management, and supply
control. The requirements processing functions
provide for the input, issuing, ordering, status
tracking, receipt,
and storage of material
requirements. Automated requisition output
capability for single line item material requests is
also provided. The inventory management func-
tions encompass the COSAL allowance items, as
well as demand-based allowance items. The
financial aids management functions provide the
abilities to make obligation and grant ad-
justments; process Summary Filled Order Ex-
penditure Difference Listing transactions. This
part of the subsystem can produce various reports,
including the Budget/OPTAR Report and
Summary, financial transmittals for specified
fiscal year(s), and the Supply, Edit, Audit
and SIM (SEAS) system report. Supply control
functions allow users to view reports or print
transaction ledgers. The supply officer is the
manager of the SFM subsystem. He or she is
able to control user access, constants updates,
and requisition history tape processing. This
is the only subsystem that directly interacts
with the MDS to provide requirement entry
capabilities and COSAL data base maintenance.
Figure 10-5.Maintenance data subsystem menu.