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hardware item from the highest to the lowest level.That
is system to the component/subassembly level. These
codes are designed to provide a description of the
functional and physical relationships of the various
elements within a given hardware application rather
than to design and/or manufacturers differences.
Allowance Parts List/Allowance
Equipage List Number
The Allowance Parts List/Allowance Equipage List
(APL/AEL) number identifies a specific item of
equipment. NOTE: Both the EIC and APL/AEL
numbers are necessary to provide complete
identification. For example, two identical electric
motors are installed in a water cooler and a refrigerator.
If maintenance is performed on both of these motors,
the MDS report will identify the specific motor by the
APL number and the system in which it is installed by
the EIC number. In this case, the APL number is the
same for both, but each has a different EIC. The above
example could be reversed. Two different motors could
be installed in one system, such as the ventilation
system. In this case, the MDS forms would show the
same EIC number but different APL numbers.
Ships UIC
The ships unit identification code (UIC) identifies
each maintenance action to the ship on which, or for
which it was performed. After the MDS forms are
prepared on the ship, they are submitted to the TYCOM
Data Processing Facility for processing and positive
ship identification must be provided. Work that is
performed by a tender or repair ship must show the
receiving ships UIC so that the maintenance data can
be identified to the proper ship.
Lets look at some ways that this MDS information
can be used.
By sorting MDS data by UIC, the total
maintenance cost and man-hours can be
determined for each ship. Commands can use
this data in budgetary and manning-level
By sorting MDS data by EIC, the maintenance
cost for each system, subsystem, or component
of equipment can be determined. This provides
an evaluation of equipment perform ante.
By sorting MDS data by APL/AEL number, the
maintenance cost and material usage can be
determined for specific items of equipment.
This data can be used by inventory control points
(ICPs) to adjust the Coordinated Shipboard
Allowance List (COSAL). The allowances of
repair parts to be carried in your storerooms.
By sorting material usage by NSN, the ICPs can
analyze past usage and more accurately predict
future usage thereby providing better COSAL
support. This information may also be used by
supply activities to plan future stock
requirements. Previously, this information
could only be obtained from ships as they went
through a supply overhaul. It is now available
as current information from all ships reporting
under MDS.
Source Codes
A source code is entered to assist in the evaluation
of supply storeroom support. The source code is
normally entered by the stock records Storekeeper as he
processes the issue documents. The following source
codes are used on NAVSUP Form 1250-1 and DD Form
1348. Refer to NAVSUP P-485 for detailed
information about these codes.
The data obtained from issue documents also
provides management information to the ship. The
Afloat Consumption and Cost Effectiveness
Surveillance System (ACCESS)/Ships Edit and Audit
System (SEAS) program collects and processes usage
data. Then reports are prepared that enable the
commanding officer and supply officer to review and
evaluate the effectiveness of supply support and make
more efficient use of the OPTAR. ACCESS and SEAS
use the issue documents that support the MDS plus the
issue documents for consumables.
The Selected Item Management (SIM) Item
Identification Listing provides SIM consumption data
and machine calculated stocking limits. The supply
officer and stock records Storekeeper can use the SIM
listing to make the quarterly review of SIM items and
also use the information shown on the listing to
determine stock replenishment requirements.
Copies of the issue documents that are not in stock
or not carried are used to prepare a report on the ships
supply effectiveness and COSAL support.
Pre-Expended Bin Material
Commonly used low-cost repair parts and
repair-related consumable items may be pre-expended
and a small stock maintained within a department for