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standard delivery date for requested material
based on date and priority of the requisition.
PRIORITY SYSTEMA means of establishing the
relative importance of a requisition for the
purpose of assigning a priority. The present
system is based on the Force/Activity Designator
and the urgency of need.
PRIVATE MESSA mess (such as the wardroom
mess) in which the cost involved is not met by
appropriated funds.
PROCUREMENTThe act of obtaining materials
or services.
PROJECT CODEA three-character code used on
requisitions to identify the purpose for which the
material is ordered.
RATIONOne days legal allowance of food for one
and spares designated by Hardware Systems
Commands (HSCs) during Maintenance
Engineering Analysis (MEA) to be stored in or
near certain equipments for troubleshooting and
for effecting rapid equipment/system repairs, A
ready service spare will appear in the COSAL.
This item may also appear in the SNSL as a
storeroom item if usage warrants backup support.
REFERENCE NUMBERA number used to
identify a repair part. It may be a manufacturers
part number, a drawing number, or a specification
or standards number.
REORDER POINTThe stock position that signals
the need to initiate replenishment action. It
includes the sum of stocks represented by the
safety level and the order and shipping time
(equivalent to low limit).
REPAIR PARTA manufactured and replaceable
part or assembly for a piece of machinery or
equipment. Items, including modules and
consumable-type materials, that have an
equipment application and appears in an
Allowance Parts List (APL), Stock Number
Sequence List (SNSL), Integrated Stock List
(ISL), Naval Sea Systems Command drawings, or
a manufacturers handbook The COSAL lists
repair parts and equipment-related consumables
normally stocked by the supply department.
REPAIRABLEA component or part designated by
the cognizant inventory manager as an item that
can be economically repaired when it becomes
unserviceable. These recoverable items represent
a high monetary investment, and their availability
is essential to fleet operations. Some of these
items may be disposed of locally when they
become unserviceable and cannot be repaired by
an organizational or intermediate maintenance
activity. Mandatory turn-in repairables must be
transferred to a designated depot level repair
facility when they become unserviceable and
cannot be locally repaired.
REPARABLE ITEMA component or item that can
be returned to an operable condition by the use of
repair parts or by overhaul.
quantity of material to be maintained on hand and
on order to sustain current operations. It includes
the sum of stocks represented by operating level,
safety level, and order and shipping time
(equivalent to high limit).
RETAIL ITEMSMerchandise sold through the
ships store.
RETENTION LIMITThe maximum quantity of
an item authorized to be retained on board load
carrying ships. The retention limit consists of the
allowance and/or load list quantity(ies) (or the
requisitioning objective for demand-based items),
plus the economic retention quantity as authorized
supply that exceeds the retention limit is
considered excess.
RETROGRADEAny movement to the rear.
Material that is being returned to rear supply or
maintenance echelons away from the forward
REVOLVING FUNDA fund established to carry
out a cycle of operations. Such a fund is
replenished by earnings or is reimbursed by
collections or by charges to other appropriations
for such items as commodities furnished or
services rendered.
ROUTING IDENTIFIERA three-digit code
assigned to all supply support activities, other
ashore activities with supply departments, and
mechanized ships for the purpose
them on MILSTRIP documents.
of identifying