| |
Shipping forms, 14-1
Ships material and cost transfers, 10-37
Source codes, 12-4
Sources of information, 1-3
Space layout factors, 6-9
Special material inventory, 7-2
Specific commodity inventory, 7-2
Spot inventory, 7-2
Standard Organizations and Regulations of the U.S.
Navy, 3-4
Standard subject identification numbers, 3-13
Stock lists and catalogs 3-8
Stock material, posting receipts, 7-11
Stock measurement, 4-6
Stock record update, 11-8
Storeroom characteristics, 6-9
Storeroom maintenance, 6-13
Storerooms, types of, 6-9
Stowage, 6-8
Stowage aids, 6-9
Straddle truck, 134
Summaries, preparation of, 10-39
Supply department functions, 2-3
Supply department organization, 2-4
Supply officer responsibility, 6-1,6-7
Supply organization, 2-1
afloat supply organization, 2-3
fleet support, 2-7
supply department organization, 24
supply, source of, 5-3
Supply Support Center (SSC), 8-2
Surveys, 8-11
Symbols and markings, 4-6
System files, 11-4
Technical references, 3-9
Terms, 44
3-M Systems, 12-1
3-of-9 bar code, 11-2
Threshold concept, 10-28
Tickler file, 3-12
Tiering truck, 13-3
Tractor-trailer trains, 13-2
Transaction-type codes, 9-8
Transfers, 8-6
Transportation, control and movement document, 14-2
Transportation priorities, 14-16
Trust fumds, 9-6
Type commanders, 2-2,10-1
Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority
System (UMMIPS), 5-13
Usage data 8-4
Velocity inventory, 7-2
Warehouse tractors, 13-2
Warehouse trailers, 13-2