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ATTACHMENT— to a part, assembly, or
subassembly, designed to be used with another
assembly, unit, or set. It contributes to the effectiveness
of the attachment by extending or varying the basic
function of the assembly, unit, or set (e.g., hoisting
attachment on a truck, milling attachment for a lathe).
MAJOR COMPONENT— an item supported by an
APL, but used in a larger item, such as an equipment.
For example, the meat slicer in the enlisted dining
facility is an equipment which is supported by an APL,
and contains two components, the drive motor and the
starter motor, both supported by individual APLs.
or segment of an equipment. For example, a radar set
may have several major units, among them an amplifier,
tuner, antenna pedestal, etc.
ALTERNATE NUMBER— a type of reference
number. Identification to an NSN is made normally by
use of a primary reference number. Additional numbers
that can be used to determine an NSN, such as
manufacturers’ part numbers, drawing and piece
numbers, are referred to as alternate numbers.
REFERENCE NUMBER— any number other than
the current stock number, or circuit symbol in electronic
equipments, used to identify a part. The most important
reference numbers are manufacturers’ part numbers.
Superseded stock numbers are also a type of reference
number. Reference numbers are used in the Master
Cross-Reference List (MCRL) and Coordinated
Shipboard Allowance List (COSAL) to determine the
COMMON ITEM— an item of standard design,
application, and specification normally procurable
from several manufacturers or suppliers, or available
from only one manufacturer but with wide usage. Also
an item that may have multiple applications.
PRESENTATION SILVER— gifts of silver (a
single item or a group of items) occasionally received
by U.S. Navy ships from states, municipalities,
organizations, individuals, or other sources. (See
Accurate measurement of stock is very important.
When identifying either material or requirements, you
should consult the stock list to be sure you are making
the right measurements accurately. For most purposes,
a steel measuring tape is accurate enough. For
lightweight sheet metal or wire, a wire and thickness
gauge is necessary. Stock identification lists contain
tables for converting gauge to decimal or fractional
parts of an inch.
As an aid to identification and as a safety
precaution, many items are marked by symbols, codes,
and serial numbers.
In addition to the NSN, symbols and color codes are
used on certain metal products, and compressed gas
cylinders. These are used primarily by technicians to
quickly identify these products and by you for storage
purposes. In ordering and expending, the NSN should
be used.
Metal Products
Marking of iron and steel (ferrous) and other metal
(nonferrous) products is covered by FEDSTD-1836,
which provides for continuous marking.
The term “continuous identification marking”
means that the marking appears at set intervals on a
piece of stock. It is put on with a heavy ink, similar to
paint. When a piece of bar stock is cut, each piece
should carry the proper identification. The markings
must give: (1) the producer’s name or registered
trademark, and (2) the commercial designation of the
Marking terms for the various commercial
designations are found in FED-STD- 1836.
Some iron and steel products are not included in the
continuous identification marking system outlined in
FED-STD-1836. Required markings for these products
are included in the material specifications. For
example, boiler tubes are not marked continuously, but
Navy specifications covering boiler tubes usually
require that tubes of a certain size be marked at each
end. Smaller tubes than those covered in the
specifications may be bundled and tagged. NAVSUP
P485 and FED-STD-1836 contain information on how
and where these markings must appear on various metal
Compressed Gas Cylinders
A common color code for compressed gas cylinders
is published in MIL-STD-101 and NAVSUP P-485 to
provide a visual warning to supplement the