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l The DANTES programs are designed for
military personnel to enroll in independent study to help
them complete their education goals. DANTES
provides examination programs that award college
credit and coordinates with various universities and
colleges in support of independent study. Examples of
tests available include the General Educational
Development (GED), the American College Test
(ACT), the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the CLEP,
the GRE, the Graduate Management Admission Test
(GMAT), and the Law School Admission Test (LSAT).
. The National Apprenticeship Program develops
highly skilled Navy-oriented journeymen who continue
to use their technical skills and knowledge in the Navy.
In addition, it develops journeymen so they can qualify
for employment in the civilian community after
. The High School Completion Program helps
members earn a high school diploma by completion of
high school level courses.
. The GED examination, when successfully
completed, results in the award of a GED certificate to
the applicant.
. The Enlisted Education Advancement Program
enables highly qualified and career-motivated enlisted
personnel to earn an associate degree and improve
qualifications in their rating and management skills.
NRTCs are designed as self-study training packages
to provide instruction to naval personnel in professional
naval subjects. Taking an NRTC is an excellent and
convenient way for you to learn much of what you must
know to advance in rate and improve your military and
professional skills. Most TRAMANs are used as the
basis for NRTCs. A mandatory TRAMAN can be
completed by passing the NRTC based on the
TRAMAN. You will find it helpful to complete other
courses in addition to those based on mandatory
manuals. For example, the completion of the NRTC
based on the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States
1984, is strongly recommended for personnel preparing
for advancement to Yeoman first class (YN1) and
Yeoman chief (YNC). The NRTCs help you to master
the information given in the TRAMAN and also give
you an indication of how much you learned from the
Ordering and enrollment procedures for NRTCs are
listed in the List of Training Manuals and
Correspondence Courses, NAVEDTRA 12061.
TRAMANs are developed as self-study packages to
provide instruction in various military and professional
subjects. They play an important role in training enlisted
personnel for general development and advancement.
They are revised periodically. The revision of a manual
is identified by a letter following the NAVEDTRA
number. You can tell whether a TRAMAN is the latest
edition by checking the NAVEDTRA number and the
letter following the number in the most recent edition of
the List of Training Manuals and Correspondence
Courses. NAVEDTRA 12061.
By now you know that advancement in rate is not
automatic. The advancement system is governed by the
Manual of Advancement, BUPERSINST 1430.16D.
Meeting all the requirements set forth in BUPERSINST
1430.16D and current Bureau of Naval Personnel
(BUPERS) directives makes you eligible for
advancement but does not guarantee your advancement.
It is the function of the advancement examination to
discriminate among qualified personnel. The term
qualified in the advancement sense refers to personnel
who have met at least the minimum requirements for
time in rate (TIR) and performance marks, who have
completed an applicable TRAMAN and personnel
advancement requirements (PARs), and who have
achieved at least a minimum level of competency as
determined by their immediate superiors.
There are two annual advancement cycles for E-4
through E-6 candidates (March and September) and one
annual advancement cycle for E-7 (January). BUPERS
distributes a BUPERSNOTE 1418 for each examina-
tion. In it, BUPERS lists the deadline date for submitting
eligibility requirements. These notices are usually
published three times a year. The first is published in
June, amounting the E-4, E-5, and E-6 examinations
for the September cycle. The two remaining are
published in November. One announces the E-7
examination for the January cycle and the other
announces the E-4, E-5, and E-6 examinations for the
March cycle.
Before an examination can be administered, you
must find out who is recommended to take it. A TIR
listing should be prepared. The list should consist of all