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NOTE: Although the following references were current when this TRAMAN
was published, their continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore, you need to
be sure that you are studying the latest revision.
Chapter 1
Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual, SECNAVINST 5216.5C,
Secretary of the Navy, Washington, DC, August 1983.
Department of the Navy Directives
Issuance System Manual, SEC-
NAVINST 5215.1C, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, DC, April
Department of the Navy Information Security Program Regulation, OPNAVINST
5510.1H, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, May 1991.
Department of the Navy Standard Subject Identification Codes (SSIC),
SECNAVINST 5210.11D, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, DC, October
Family Service Center Program, OPNAVINST 1754.1A, Chief of Naval
Operations, Washington, DC, 1985.
Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Classifications and
Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068F, Bureau of Naval Personnel.
Washington, DC, 1992.
Naval Military Personnel Manual (MILPERSMAN), NAVPERS
Naval Personnel, Washington, DC, August 1991.
Navy Family Ombudsman Program, OPNAVINST 1750.1B,
Operations, Washington, DC, 1990.
15560, Bureau of
Chief of Naval
Remission of Indebtedness or Waiver of the Government Claim Arising from
Members of the Naval Service, SECNAVINST 7220.38E, Secretary of the Navy,
Washington, DC, 1986.
Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy (SORM), OPNAVINST
3120.32B, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, 1986.
Unabridged Navy Index of Publications and Forms, NAVSUP P2002D,
Philadelphia, PA, July 1992.
U.S. Navy Regulations, 1990, United States Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC, 1990.
Yeoman 2, NAVEDTRA 10299, Naval Education and Training Command,
Pensacola, FL, February 1991.
Yeoman 3, NAVEDTRA 10298, Naval Education and Training Command,
Pensacola, FL, February 1991.