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As a Yeoman 3 or Yeoman 2 you should be
acquainted with the Navys forms management system.
This system is set up to design, order, and account for
forms used by your command. As you become more
senior and begin to take on more responsibility, the
management of forms within a command may become
part of your duties.
The information contained in this chapter should
help you to become an effective forms manager.
Suggestions given should not be considered
all-inclusive; you must use your own imagination and
initiative in establishing and carrying out an effective
forms control system within your office or command.
Your job as forms manager will become easier, of
course, as you gain more experience in the field, but, as
with any job in the Navy, it is much more enjoyable
when you begin the job with a general knowledge of
what is expected. In addition to the material in this
chapter, you should become familiar with the
Department of the Navy (DON) Forms Management
Program, SECNAVINST 5213. 10C; Introducrion,
Procurement, and Management of Cognizance Symbol
11 Forms Into the Navy Supply System,
NAVSUPINST 5600.20B, and Introduction to Navy
Stock List of Publications and Forms, NAVSUP
For the Navys purpose, the term form is defined as
all printed or duplicated material, regardless of the
method of reproduction, that contains predetermined
blank spaces for the insertion of information by hand,
typewriter, or other business machine.
The need for forms is well established. They are
vital to the effective management of your office and
your command because they provide information for
formulating policy, controlling and improving
operations, and evaluating performance. Operations
often depend on forms. Forms guide the movement of
materials, the performance of services, the authorization
for expenditures, and the payment of money. They
provide a basis for clerical and executive actions; they
serve as historical references and records. They are the
orders, financial accounts, and portions of the reports by
which government operates.
Forms management includes developing and
examining the forms themselves, determining how
forms relate to the overall efficient operation of the
command, and making sure only the most effective
forms are used.
Forms management requires a thorough study of
your commands organization, workflow, operating
policies, and programs, as well as the methods and
procedures employed by the command. An important
result from a study of forms including their designs and
their related procedures should be suggested changes in
procedures, record systems, reporting patterns,
organization, and so forth.
The objectives of forms management at the
command level are as follows:
. To make sure necessary forms and related
procedures are developed and designed to make
the maximum contribution to the commands
. To eliminate unnecessary and duplicate forms
and, as appropriate, consolidate those serving
like or similar functions using, wherever
practical, the higher echelon form
The Department of the Navy (DON) Forms
Management Program, SECNAVINST 5213.10C, sets
forth principles, techniques, and methods in establishing
and administering the forms management program;
improving forms and related procedures through
analysis; designing forms to Navy standards; and
training of personnel in forms management. It is
considered to be the primary guide for forms design
standards and criteria for the DON.