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As a Yeoman, you will be asked to
t y p e s o f
correspondence and documents. These are in
addition to the ones that have previously been
discussed in foregoing chapters. This chapter
covers those assignments that are governed by
local policy and may be different from those
that you are familiar with and have performed
at past duty stations.
Most of these
assignments will be handed to you in a
rough (hand-written, double-spaced from a
typewriter or computer printout) form. Most
of the time your supervisor will make a copy
of the document, make changes to it, and ask
you to prepare the rough into a smooth copy.
The following are examples of some of the
kinds of documents you will be asked to
l School quota requests
l M a n p o w er
l Officer social roster
l Designation letters
l Recall bills
l Muster reports
l Command telephone directories
l Command history
l Inspection results
l Command SORM
l S p e e c h es
l Liberty passes
l Plan of the day
l Welcome aboard letters
Frocking letters
l Responses to letters of indebtedness
l Statement of service
l Casualty documents
These are just some of documents you
may be asked to prepare. Most of them are
governed by local policy; that is, they are
prepared according to the wishes of the local
commanding officer or other official. Keep in
mind, though, that you will more times than
not have a ready reference or example of the
document right in your office. If you cant
find an example to follow, and one isnt given
to you, ask your supervisor for assistance.
Make it your business to become familiar with
local policy governing these documents so
you are prepared whenever you are asked to
perform a task.
The Navy Officer Fittness Report (FITREP)
Manual, BUPERSINST 1611.17, is the only
authority used to prepare officer FITREPs and
should be consulted in every phase of
Navy Regulations require that records be
maintained on officers which reflect their
fitness for the service and performance of
FITREPs form a primary basis for
selecting officers
for advanced training,
specialization or
assignment, promotion, and command.