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a. Imposed by an OEGCMJ, an officer
of general or flag rank in command, or
designated principal assistant:
( 1 ) P u n i t i v e a d m o n i t i o n or
(2) Arrest in quarters for not more
than 30 consecutive days.
(3) Restriction to specified limits,
with or without suspension from duty, for not
more than 60 consecutive days.
(4) Forfeiture of not more than 1/2
of 1 months pay per month for 2 months.
b. Imposed by any CO:
(1) Admonition or reprimand.
(2) Restriction to specified limits,
with or without suspension from duty for
more than 30 consecutive days.
c. Imposed by an OIC: OICs do not
have the authority to impose NJP upon
2. Upon enlisted accused
a. If imposed by COs of the grade of
lieutenant commander or above or a principal
(1) Admonition or reprimand.
(2) If imposed upon a person
attached to or embarked in a vessel,
confinement on bread and water or diminished
rations for not more than 3 consecutive days.
Accused must be in the paygrade of E-3 or
(4) Forfeiture of not more than 1/2
of 1 months pay per month for 2 months.
(5) Reduction of one paygrade for
members in paygrades E-6 and below.
Reduction is not imposable on E-7 and above
(Navy) or on E-6 and above (Marine Corps).
(6) Extra duties for not more than
45 consecutive days.
(7) Restriction to specified limits
for not more than 60 consecutive days.
b. Imposed by COs in grades O-3 and
below or any commissioned OIC:
(1) Admonition or reprimand.
(2) Confinement on bread and
water or diminished rations for not more than
3 consecutive days and only on grade E-3 and
below attached to or embarked in a vessel.
(3) Correctional custody for not
more than 7 consecutive days and only on
grades E-3 and below.
(4) Forfeiture of not more than 7
days pay.
(5) Reduction to the next inferior
paygrade, if the grade from which demoted is
within the promotion authority of the officer
imposing the reduction.
Reduction is not
imposable on E-7 and above (Navy) and E-6
and above (Marine Corps).
(6) Extra duties for not more than
14 consecutive days.
(7) Restriction for not more than
14 consecutive days.
(3) Correctional custody for not
more than 30 consecutive days and only on
grades E-3 and below.