| |
Type the word (abbreviation) Subj and a
colon at the left margin on the second line
under the last line of the previous block. Two
spaces must follow the colon. Normal word
order is used and all letters are capitalized.
Reference Block
References are other documents to which
the reader is directed to assist in dealing with
the subject matter of the letter.
Type the word (abbreviation) Ref and a
colon at the left margin on the second line
below the Subject block. A lowercase letter
in parentheses, such as (a), (b), (c), and so on,
is used to identify each reference, even if only
one is listed. Three spaces must follow the
colon before the designation, and one space
must follow the last parentheses.
Use the
following information to construct Reference
short title of originator;
correspondence (ltr or memo); (3) SSIC; (4)
originators code by itself or in a serial
number as
in the referenced
correspondence; and (5) date:
USS DAVID R. RAY (DD 971) ltr 5216
Ser DD 971/437 of 9 Sep 95
CNO memo 5216 Ser 09B33/317731 of 11
Sep 95
MESSAGES require (1) title of originator
as shown in From block of message and (2)
date-time-group (DTG) month and year:
USS DAVID R. RAY 091300Z Sep 95
CNO Washington DC 111300Z Sep 95
When you reference general
messages, include the message title (ALNAV,
NAVOP, ALNAVSTA, and so on) and the
serial number/year in parentheses.
ENDORSEMENTS require the appropriate
emphasis, depending on whether you want to
mention them in passing or highlight a
particular one:
ENS Jack R. Frost, USNR, 111-11-1111 ltr
of 1 Apr 95 w/ends
COMNAVSURFAC third end 1070 Ser
N1/3124 of 22 Apr 95
ENS Jack R. Frost, USNR, 111-11-1111 Itr
of 1 Apr 95
(1) PHONCON, (2) individuals and their
activities, and (3) date:
Brush/NAVSUP(Code 01222B) CDR
Pistol of 16 Nov 95
INSTRUCTIONS require (1) SNDL short
title of issuer; (2) INST, (3) SSIC with
consecutive number and a revision letter, if
any; (4) subject if not clear from the subject
or text of your letter; and (5) chapter or
paragraph of a long instruction if only that
part applies:
SECNAVINST 5216.5, Department of the
Navy Correspondence Manual, Ch. 2, Par.
NOTICES require (1) SNDL short title of
(2) NOTE; (3) SSIC; (4) serial
number, if any; (5) date because notices lack
consecutive numbers; (6) subject if not clear
from the subject or text of your letter; and (7)
chapter or paragraph of a long notice if only
that part applies: