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being  transported  by  AMC  and  by  the  driver  of  the container truck if the mail is transported by MSC. If  command  aircraft  and  trucks  are  used  for  the transport of mail, OPNAV Form 5110/9 should be used to receipt for the mail.   You should sign and date the form in the appropriate space provided at the bottom of the form. Retain all copies of OPNAV Form 5110/9 for ordinary mail receipts for 6 months in the post office files, 2 years for manifests listing registered mail. If dispatching mail from one MPO to another, DD Form  1372  may  accompany  the  incoming  mail. Complete blocks 22 through 25 at the bottom of the form, as appropriate. AIR CARRIER IRREGULARITIES AND REPORTING PROCEDURES Mail-handling  irregularities  are  failures  by  air carriers to comply with USPS regulations concerning the transportation of mail.   When air carriers fail to comply with rules and regulations issued by USPS, the carriers are subject to penalty action.  Reportable and nonreportable  irregularities  are  defined  in  the  DOD Postal  Manual,  DOD  4525.6-M,  Volume  I,  and  in USPS Handbook T-7.  The processing procedures for reporting mail-handling irregularities depend upon the type of air carriers involved. PS FORM 2759 FOR U.S. COMMERCIAL CARRIERS Air carriers providing mail transportation services have specific responsibilities for the proper handling and care of mail in their custody.   Failing to comply with the carriage rules and conditions set by the USPS subject them to penalty action. When  mail  is  mishandled  by  an  air  carrier employee,  agent,  or  representative,  PS  Form  2759, Report of Irregular Handling of Mail (see figure 9-22) must be prepared. The PS Form 2759 is primarily used as a management tool for military postal officials, air transportation  managers,  and  air  carrier  officials responsible  for  the  proper  handling  of  mail  in  air transportation channels. PS Form 2759 is also used to determine and levy appropriate  financial  penalties  against  a  U.S.  air carrier.   The purpose of assessing penalties for mail handling  irregularities  is  to  focus  the  air  carrier’s attention to an unsatisfactory condition that requires corrective action.   Although foreign-flag air carriers are not subject to financial penalties, a PS Form 2759 must be prepared each time an irregularity occurs. The  following  definitions  explain  categories  of mail handling irregularities:    Failure to load at origin: The failure to load mail tendered at origin on the flight indicated on the routing label and/or dispatch documents.  If the amount of mail tendered to a carrier exceeds the lift capacity of the flight for any reason, a PS Form 2759 should be prepared documenting the excess  tender.    In  this  situation,  the  PS  Form 2759 should indicate that a penalty assessment is not recommended.    Delivery  to  wrong  destination:    Delivery  to  a military  postal  authority  at  a  destination  other than that shown on the routing label or dispatch documents.    Delayed ground delivery:  The failure to deliver (after the arrival of the flight) incoming mail to a military postal official within the time allowed, which should not exceed 6 hours.    Failure  to  arrive  as  intended:    Delivery  to  the military postal facility at the correct destination either on the correct flight that arrives later than planned  or  on  a  flight  other  than  the  flight designated on the dispatch instructions.    Failure to protect:  Failure of a carrier to protect and  safeguard  mail  from  inclement  weather, loss, depredation, or other hazards while under the custody and control of the carrier.  Failure to protect includes: failure to prevent unauthorized persons from having access to the mail; allowing  mail  to  be  exposed  to  adverse weather,  such  as  high  winds,  rain,  sleet,  or snow; and failure to transport mail on the ground in carts, containers, or other vehicles securely enclosed to protect the mail from loss or depredation. NOTE:  Any pouch, tray, or outside piece of mail that is found unattended and out of the control of an air carrier is  included  in  the  failure  to  protect  category  of  mail handling  irregularities. This  category  also  includes instances where an air carrier fails to notify the military postal facility of flight delays in excess of 2 hours, flight cancellations, flight diversions, or emergency changes in the schedule of any flight on which mail is transported 9-46

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