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43 6-25. The amount of fixed credit normally held by the custodian of postal effects may be either increased or decreased when deemed necessary by what individual? 1.     The postal officer 2.     The commanding officer 3.     The accountable postmaster 4.     The Director, Military Postal Service 6-26. One of your duties as COPE is the sale of stamps to customers. Your assistant handles money orders and claims. In making stamp sales during your absence, what procedure should your assistant follow? 1.     Sell stamps from the stamp stock in your stamp drawer 2.     Sell stamps taken directly from the stock in the post office safe 3.     Sell stamps borrowed from the reserve custodian 4.     Sell stamps from that portion of the fixed credit issued to him or her 6-27. A window clerk should exchange cash for stamps from the COPE at least how often? 1.     When the accumlated cash (excluding a $50 cash fund) exceeds 10% of the extended credit 2.     When the accumulated cash (excluding a $50 change fund) exceeds 25% of the extended credit 3.     Weekly 4.     Either 2 or 3 above, whichever occurs first 6-28. The total fixed credit of your activity is $5,000. Replenishment of the fixed credit is required when the amount of cash on hand reaches what specific amount? 1. $1,250 2. $1,000 3. $750 4. $700 6-29. You are ordering stamp stock to replenish the total fixed credit. What should be your first step? 1.     Estimate the amount of time required to receive the stock 2.     Consider any approaching holiday seasons 3.     Determine how much cash is to be exchanged for stamp stock 4.     Consider your facilities for protecting stamp stock 6-30. Stamp requisitions are prepared and submitted on what form? 1.     PS Form 17 2.     PS Form 3295 3.     PS Form 3365 4.     PS Form 3367 6-31. Stamp requisitions are numbered in sequence with number (1) on the first day of the fiscal year that begins on what calendar date? 1. 1 January 2.     1 July 3. 1 October 4. 1 December 6-32. How many copies of PS Form 17 are sent with the check to the accountable postmaster? 1.     Original and one 2.     Original and two 3.     Original and three 4.     Original and four   6-33. Treasury checks should be made payable to what official? 1 The Chief of Naval Operations 2.     The Postmaster, New York 3.     The Accountable Postmaster 4.     The Executive Director, MPSA

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