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In chapter 1, you learned about the qualifications
and responsibilities of Navy Postal Clerks. Now we
will discuss the designations required to assume the
different positions in a military post office and the
procedures for completing the Designation/
Termination forms.
Learning Objective: Recognize the
designations required of personnel involved
with operating a Military Post Office
Personnel who perform postal duties must be
loyal, trustworthy, and honest. By agreement between
the USPS and the Department of Defense, personnel of
questionable integrity may not be assigned to duties in
MPOs, mailrooms, mail terminals, or other postal
The requirements listed in chapter 1, outlined by
the USPS-DOD Postal Agreement, and expanded upon
by MPSAapply to all military services. However, they
are not intended as an all-inclusive list of
qualifications for designation. In addition to the
criteria listed in chapter 1, each military service can
develop its own selection qualifications to incorporate
unique career duty classification requirements.
U.S. civilian personnel and Foreign Nationals also
must meet the basic criteria listed in chapter 1 to be
designated as MPCs, FPCs, COPEs, or PFOs. Military
personnel selected for postal duties who have no
previous postal experience should be scheduled to
attend a postal course before assuming postal
Personnel selected for key postal
positions will receive training before assuming duties.
Training should emphasize the importance of the
postal service and the need to follow established
policies and procedures. The MPS is dependent on
well-trained, motivated, and reliable personnel.
Before being permitted to perform postal financial
duties or assuming custody of postal effects, an
individual must be designated as a militay postal clerk
(MPC). Personnel are designated using DD Form
2257, Designation/Termination MPC-FPC-COPE-
PFO. See figure 2-1. Personnel will also have a page
13 entry made in their service records. See figure 2-2.
All designations must be in accordance with chapter 4
of the DOD Postal Manual and the Department of the
Navy Postal Instructions. Military postal clerks are
only designated once in their military career. However
you should ensure that when you reenlist, DD Form
2257 and the page 13 entry are retained in your service
The appointing official will also issue the designee
a DD Form 285, Appointment of Military Postal Clerk,
Unit Mail Orderly, to identify the individual as a
member of the MPS. The DD Form 285 will be
postmarked in block 10 with the all-purpose date
stamp (APDS) of the MPO to which the individual is
assigned. See figure 2-3.
Figure 2-1 is an example of DD Form 2257
designating an MPC. Use instructions listed below to
guide you through the process.
Block 1: Enter the name of the individual being
designated as an MPC along with the mailing address
of the current command.
Block 2: Enter the complete address of the
designees command.
Block 3: Indicate the position for which the
individual is being designated. (In this situation as a
Block 4: Type or print the designees full name,
pay grade, and branch of service.
Block 5: (For MPCs this block should read: All
Military Post Offices.)
Block 6: Have the designee read this statement,
sign, and date.