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The Serial Number
Each money order set is assigned an 11-digit
number. This number is preprinted in the top left part
of the money order set. The first 10 numbers are the
serial number used to identify the money order. The
11th digit is used as a check sum number and is NOT
part of the actual serial number. The serial number is
read by a computer; therefore, the numbers must never
be smudged. You should never handle the top third
portion of the money order form set.
Completing the Money Order and Receipt
The purchaser completes the money order and
customers receipt as follows:
Pay To blockThe purchaser of the money
order enters the name and address of the person
or firm to which the money order is to be paid.
The purchaser should enter this information
immediately after purchase. A money order that
is not completed is the same as a negotiable
instrument. It is like cash in the hands of
whoever has it.
From blockThe person buying a money order
places their name and address in this space.
COD No. Or Used For blockThe purchaser of
the money order can indicate for what purpose
the money order is to be used. If paying a bill or
paying for merchandise ordered, the account
number or the type of merchandise ordered may
be entered in this space.
Blank money order forms should be ordered as
needed. If your post office is aboard ship, you must
consider several possible scenarios when you place an
order. If your ship is on or will be on an extended
deployment, you will issue more money orders than if
you were in your homeport. Some of the things you
should consider are the following:
What is the ships operating schedule?
If a deployment is scheduled, how long will the
ship be away from homeport?
If a deployment is scheduled, will there be an
increase in personnel?
What was the number of money orders sold
during the last deployment?
What is the amount of available storage space on
Figure 8-19.An example of a postal money order form set.