Improper Stowage--When stowed, cargo
Temporary coverings should be used only during
inclement weather, if at all.
should be tiered, tied in, stepped back, or floored
off to prevent collapse. Dunnage should be used
Riding on Hooks--Personnel should not be
as a firm flooring for tiering. Never stow cargo,
permitted to ride cargo-handling gear, such as
even temporarily, in a halfway manner.
hooks or nets, between pier and ship or between
Hatch Beans or Beads--When only part of a
the deck and hold. The save-all must not be used
as a ladder between the pier and the ship.
cargo hatch is open, remaining hatch beans
should be pinned or locked in place to prevent
Removed Handrails--When handrails are
them from being dislodged and falling on
removed to load cargo or for other reasons, the
personnel below. Hatch boards should be
working area should be roped off to prevent
stacked well back from the hatch to prevent them
personnel from falling over the side.
from being accidentally knocked into the hold.
Ladders--Ladders in the square of the hatch
Standing in Bight of Line--Individuals should
should not be used when cargo is being lowered
not stand with their feet in the bight of a line or in
or hoisted in the hold. Much care must be
the eye of a cargo strip or sling. To do so may
exercised when using these ladders. Particularly
result in broken bones or even more serious
when hatchboards from several decks have been
removed. Stairway-type ladders should be used
Fires and Explosions--Fires and explosions
when they are available.
may be caused by: (1) explosive vapor, (2)
Slippery Decks--Oil, grease, ice, or any
slippery material on the deck or pier should be
source such as smoking, hot work, open fires,
removed immediately or covered with sand,
electrical equipment, naked lights, and sparks
cinders, sawdust, or other suitable anti-slip
from tools, (4) heat, (5) spontaneous ignition, (6)
water causing chemical reaction with certain
substances, (7) improper handling, and (8)
Improper Lighting--When concealment is
inadequate sentries.
unimportant, floodlights should be provided at
night on the weather deck, overside, and in cargo
Fire is a potential danger with almost all types of
holds. Flashlights should be available for
cargo. The possibility of fire or explosion is greatly
emergencies. When entering unlighted
increased when cargo operations involve flammables
compartments, personnel should carry portable
safety lights.
normally taken when these dangerous materials are
handled. Probably most fires occur in ordinary
Asphyxia and Poisoning--During some cargo
combustible material (paper, rags, wood, etc.).
handling or related operations, asphyxia or
poisoning may result from: (1) lack of oxygen,
Since the fire hazard is not as great when handling
(2) poisonous gases or fumes, or (3) exposing
these materials, fewer precautions are usually taken
skin or eyes to or swallowing petroleum
and cargo handlers are apt to become careless.
products. (Some vapors may be swallowed
Fleet Freight--Carefully inspect all material
without the knowledge of the victim.) An
received as fleet freight for evidence of damaged
individual showing signs of asphyxia or
or leaking containers. Extremely hazardous
poisoning should receive immediate medical
conditions can result from several compounds
attention and the cargo officer should be notified.
normally used aboard ship.
The space should be inspected before work is
Open Hatches--Guards should be placed near
open hatches and other open spaces. Safety lines
Lifting Cases--There is a right and a wrong way
must be used around such openings when cargo
of picking up heavy cases of material. The
is not being handled through them.
correct method of lifting heavy objects is
Temporarily C ove r e d H a t c h e s -- H a t c h e s
illustrated in figure 7-27. Individuals stand close
covered only with a tarpaulin or other temporary
to the load, with their feet slightly apart and
covering are dangerous, perhaps more so than
solidly placed. With knees bent, they grasp the
uncovered hatches, which are fully visible.
object firmly and lift it by straightening their