SUPPLY ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATIONINVENTORY CONTROL POINTSFigure 1-1.--Department of the Navy Organization.Figure 1-2.--NAVSUPSYSCOM Organization.Figure 1-3.--NAVICP Organization.Naval Inventory Control Point-Philadelphia (NAVICP-PHIL)Navy Inventory Control Point-Mechanicsburg (NAVICP-MECH)FLEET AND INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CENTERSSUPPLY OFFICER AND ASSISTANT (ASHORE)LABOR AND EQUIPMENT BRANCHFigure 1-4.--Standard organization for supply departments.Figure 1-5.--Typical afloat supply organization of a large fleet unit.Figure 1-6.--Typical afloat supply organization of a small fleet unit without supply corps officer.PRINCIPAL ASSISTANTSPRINCIPAL ASSISTANTS - ContinuedSHIPS WITHOUT SUPPLY CORPS OFFICERDefense Logistics AgencyFigure 1-7.--The Defense Logistics Agency Supply System.Figure 1-8.--The Integrated Navy Supply System.GENERAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIESSupply Department AfloatSTANDARD LETTERSFigure 1-9.--An example of a standard letter.Figure 1-10.--An example of a multiple-address letter.Figure 1-11.--An example of a joint letter.CATEGORIES OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATIONMARKING CLASSIFIED MATERIALCare After Working HoursTRANSFERRING CLASSIFIED MATERIALFigure 1-12.--Route sheet.Figure 1-13.--Routing stamp.Figure 1-14.--Example of an identifying symbol assigned to an instructionsDISPOSITION OF CORRESPONDENCE AND RECORDSPadlocks and Master KeysCUSTOMER SERVICE AS IT APPLIES TO THE SK COMMUNITYAssisting the SK's CustomerTable 1-1.--Self-Evaluation ChecklistCommon ErrorsSTANDARD ORGANIZATION AND REGULATIONS OF THE U.S. NAVYFigure 1-15.--Paragraph numbering system.Supply Afloat Packaging Procedures (NAVSUP P-484)Figure 1-16.--Paragraph scheme for NAVSUP P-485.NAVAIR PUBLICATIONS AND DIRECTIVESTable 1-2.--List of common ARR, AL, TBATables of Basic AllowancesUniform Material Movement and Issue Priority SystemMAINTENANCE OF PUBLICATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONSMATERIAL IDENTIFICATIONFigure 2-1.--Examples of supply classes within a stock group.Table 2-1.--List of Federal Supply Groups and TitlesTable 2-1.--List of Federal Supply Groups and Titles--ContinuedTable 2-1.--List of Federal Supply Groups and Titles--ContinuedTable 2-1.--List of Federal Supply Groups and Titles--ContinuedTable 2-2.--Cognizance Symbols Commonly Encountered by the SKTable 2-4.--National Codification Bureau (NCB) CodesFigure 2-3.--An example of a National Stock Number with a Special Material Identification Code.Table 2-5.--Navy Item Control Number (NICN) CodesTECHNICAL MANUAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBERING SYSTEM (TMINS)Figure 2-6.--Color codes for compressed gas cylinders.SOURCES OF MATERIAL IDENTIFICATIONGENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL SUPPLY CATALOGFigure 2-7.--A sample page from the Afloat Shopping Guide.AVIATION CROSS-REFERENCE LISTINGSFigure 2-8.--An example of a Source, Maintenance and Recoverability (SM&R) code.Table 2-6.--Joint Services Uniform SM&R Code FormatMATERIAL PROCUREMENTFACTORS IN DETERMINING REQUIREMENTSROUTINE REQUIREMENTSSOURCE OF SUPPLYMILITARY STANDARD REQUISITIONING AND ISSUE PROCEDURESFigure 3-1. --Example of MILSTRIP documents.Figure 3-2. --Example of Non-NSN requisition.Figure 3-3.--NMCS/NORS Requisitions.Figure 3-4. --An example of a naval message draft requisition.Figure 3-5.-- An example of Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document, DD Form 1149 (multiple request).Figure 3-6.-- An example of Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document, DD Form 1149 (petroleum products).Figure 3-8.--Example of a NAVSUP Form 1250-1 SERVMART procurement document.Material in Bulk QuantitiesMANDATORY TURN-IN REPAIRABLESSHIP'S STORE OR SUBSISTENCE STOCKMATERIAL OBLIGATION VALIDATION (MOV)PURCHASING REGULATIONSSMALL PURCHASE PROCEDURESSMALL BUSINESS-SMALL PURCHASE SET-ASIDESCompetition and Price ReasonablenessPURCHASE ORDER-INVOICE-VOUCHER, STANDARD FORM 44Figure 3-9. --Example of a DD Form 1155 Order for Supplies or Services/Request for Quotations.Figure 3-10. --Example of a DD Form 1155 Order for Supplies or Services/Request for Quotations (general provisions).Figure 3-11. --Example of a report of nonreceipt, damage, or nonconformance card.Figure 3-12. --Purchase Order-Invoice- Voucher, Standard Form 44.MATERIAL RECEIPT, CUSTODY, AND STORAGEPREPARATION FOR MATERIAL RECEIPTReceipts from Afloat Supply ActivitiesFigure 4-1. --DD Form 1348 (6-part) manual receipt.Figure 4-3. --Issue/Receipt Release Document (IRRD), DD Form 1348-1A.Figure 4-4. Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document, DD Form 1149Figure 4-5.--Order for Supplies and Services, DD Form 1155 (direct delivery/fast pay).Report of Receipt, Nonreceipt or NonconformanceFigure 4-6. --Order for Supplies and Services, DD Form 1155 (indirect delivery).Figure 4-7. --Report of Receipt, Nonreceipt, or Nonconformance.MATERIAL RECEIVED WITHOUT PAPERWORKFigure 4-9. --DD Form 250 (Acceptance at Destination).Figure 4-10. --DD Form 250 (Acceptance at Source).Figure 4-11. --U.S. Government Bill of Lading, Standard Form 1103.Figure 4-12. --DD Form 1348-1 (Dummy Receipt).Table 4-1.--Examples of Partial and Split Shipment Codes Assigned for Surface MovementFigure 4-14. --Sample bar-coded DD Form 1387.Figure 4-15. --A sample DD Form 1387-2.Figure 4-16. --A sample DD Form 2521.Shipping DiscrepanciesPREPARATION OF THE SUPPLY DISCREPANCY REPORT (SDR)Figure 4-17.--Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR), Standard Form 364--FrontFigure 4-18.--Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR), Standard Form 364--Back.LOST, DAMAGED, OR DESTROYED MATERIALTypes of Storage Facilities AshoreTypes of Temporary Storage FacilitiesLOCATOR SYSTEMSFigure 4-19. --Sample of location number and typical warehouse floor plan and storage area.RELOCATION OF MATERIAL IN STOWAGESTOREROOM CHARACTERISTICSMATERIAL REQUIRING SPECIAL HANDLINGCOMPRESSED GASES.AEROSOL PRODUCTSSTOREROOM MAINTENANCESECURITY PROCEDURESFigure 4-20. --A sample of supply space groups and custody chart.MATERIAL EXPENDITURESEXPENDITURE DOCUMENT NUMBERING SYSTEMTable 5-1. --Processing StandardsRequisition Handling PrecedenceFigure 5-1.--Complete issue documentation on DD Form 1348-1.Figure 5-2.--Standard pick adjustment documentation on DD Form 1348-1.Figure 5-4.--Substitute issue documentation on DD From 1348-1.Figure 5-7.--Sample of NAVSUP 1250-1 (NC).MANUAL PROCESSINGMAINTENANCE SUPPORT PACKAGEMATERIAL TRANSFERSTRANSFER TO DEFENSE BUSINESS OPERATING FUNDFigure 5-8. --DD Form 1348-1 used as intership transfer document.MATERIAL TURNED INTO STORE ASHOREFigure 5-10. - Example of a DD Form 1348-1 used for turn-in to stores ashore (MTIS)Action by the Appointing AuthorityFigure 5-11. --Completed Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss, DD Form 200 (Front).Figure 5-12. --Completed Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss, DD Form 200 (Back).CHAPTER 6 STOCK CONTROL AND INVENTORY MANAGEMENTSTOCK CONTROL RESPONSIBILITIES AND FUNCTIONSSTOCK CONTROL RESPONSIBILITIES AND FUNCTIONS - ContinuedSTOCK CONTROL RESPONSIBILITIES AND FUNCTIONS - ContinuedIDENTIFICATION AND STORES ACCOUNTCARCASS TURN-INSCARCASS TURN-INS - ContinuedTURN-IN OF EXCESS AVDLRINVENTORY ADJUSTMENTSPHYSICAL INVENTORIESSpecial MaterialFigure 6-1.--A sample of an inventory schedule.INVENTORY PROCEDURESFigure 6-2.--A sample of an inventory posted to stock record.Posting Inventory ResultsUPDATING STOREROOM INFORMATIONEQUIPAGE CUSTODY RECORDFigure 6-3.--A sample of an equipage record (NAVSUP Form 306).Figure 6-4.--A sample requisition receipt and issue documents for equipage.INVENTORY CONTROL OBJECTIVESMATERIAL HANDLING AND SHIPMENTWAREHOUSE TRACTORSFigure 7-4.--Warehouse trailer.Figure 7-7.--Stock picker truck.Figure 7-11.--Straddle truck.Figure 7-13.--Pallet, 40 x 48 inches, four-way entry: (View A) Partial stringers (View B) post construction.Figure 7-15.--Best way to load a pallet.Figure 7-17.--Drum handling equipment: (View A) Sling; (View B) Cradle attachment; (View C) Horizontal carry attachment; (View D) Vertical carry attachment.Figure 7-18.--Cargo net sling.Figure 7-20.--Brake on a roller conveyor.HOISTS, PULLEYS, AND DOLLIESFigure 7-24.--Chain hoists: (View A) Manual; (View B) Electric.Figure 7-26.--Dollies: (View A) General purpose; (View B) Pallet rollers; (View C) Reefer car.DANGER AREASSAFETY EQUIPMENT AND CLOTHINGSAFE CARGO-HANDLING PRACTICESSAFE STORAGE RULESSpecial Assignment Airlift Missions (SAAM)Military Official Mail (MOM)Table 7-1.--Decision Table for Mailing Supply ParcelsFigure 7-28.--Transportation Control and Movement Document, DD Form 1384.MILITARY STANDARD TRANSPORTATION AND MOVEMENT PROCEDURESCHAPTER 8 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTTYPES OF APPROPRIATIONSFigure 8-2.--Example of a subhead symbol to an appropriationFigure 8-3.--Expense Limitation Subhead Symbol.Figure 8-4. --A sample format of accounting data.Figure 8-5. --Example of A Navy Working Capital Fund.Figure 8-6. -- Typical Working Capital Fund in Operation.Figure 8-7. --Examples of various fund symbols.FINANCIAL TERMSFigure 8-8.--Simplified Department of Defense management processFigure 8-9.--The Navy Working Capital Fund (a revolving fund).Figure 8-10.--Typical distribution of the Navy Working Capital Fund.Figure 8-11. --Navy Stock Account and SAC 207.Figure 8-12. --Flow of funds for Operations and Maintenance, Navy.OPERATING TARGET ACCOUNTINGFigure 8-14. --Typical flow of accounting data.OPERATING TARGET RECORDS, LOGS, AND FILESFigure 8-15.--Frequency of submission of the OPTAR Document Transmittal Report, NAVCOMPT Form 2156.Figure 8-17.--DFAS transaction listings submission cycle.Figure 8-18. --Example of Summary Filled Order Expenditure Difference Listing (SFOEDL).Unmatched Expenditure ListingCHAPTER 9 AVIATION MATERIAL MANAGEMENTAIRCRAFT INVENTORY RECORDUse and Maintenance of AirAircraft Transfer and AcceptanceFigure 9-1.--Pretyped DD Form 1348 (6-pt).Figure 9-2. --A sample of Standard Form 44.Table 9-1. --Pretyped Information on Standard Form 44Procurement from Commercial SourcesAERONAUTICAL MATERIAL SCREENING UNITGENERAL FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIESORDERING PARTS AND MATERIALORDERING PARTS AND MATERIAL - ContinuedRequisition MonitoringFigure 9-3.--Material Requisition Register, OPNAV 4790/11.RECEIPT OR DELIVERY OF PARTS AND MATERIALHandling and Preparation of Engineering Investigation or Quality Deficiency Report MaterialFigure 9-4.--Funding chain of command.Aviation Operation Maintenance FundsTable 9-2.--Frequency of Submission, OPTAR ReportTable 9-3.--Decision Chart for Submitting BORUNMATCHED EXPENDITURE LISTINGAIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE MATERIAL READINESS LIST PROGRAMIndividual Material Readiness ListIndividual Material Readiness List. - ContinuedCHAPTER 10 AVIATION SUPPLY SUPPORTCOMMON GOAL OF SUPPLY AND MAINTENANCEMATERIAL REPORTINGMEANS OF RECEIVING REQUISITIONSINDIVIDUAL COMPONENT REPAIR LISTFigure 10-1.--Aviation Support Division/Supply Support Center (ASD/SSC) organization.TECHNICAL RESEARCH UNITMATERIAL DELIVERY UNITPRE-EXPENDED BIN UNIT.Component Control SectionDOCUMENT CONTROL UNIT LOCAL REPAIR CYCLE ASSET STORAGE UNITLOCAL REPAIR CYCLE ASSET STORAGE UNIT - ContinuedSUPPLY SCREENING UNITFigure 10-2.--Unserviceable repairable label-material, DD Form 1577-2.SUPPLY SCREENING UNIT - ContinuedAWAITING PARTS UNITAWAITING PARTS UNIT.- ContinuedAWAITING PARTS UNIT.- ContinuedDEPOT CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUESTOPERATIONAL SUPPORT INVENTORY/FIXED ALLOWANCEFigure 10-3.--Allowance Change Request-Fixed, NAVSUP Form 1375.ALLOWANCE CHANGE REQUEST-FIXEDCHAPTER 11 MAINTENANCE AND MATERIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSFigure 11-1.--MDS entries on NAVSUP Form 1250-1.Figure 11-2.--MDS entries on the DD Form 1348.Allowance Parts List/Allowance Equipage List NumberSubmitting MDS DocumentsCHAPTER 12 NAVAL CONSTRUCTION FORCESNaval Construction Force Command RelationshipsFigure 12-1.--NCF Organization (Wartime)Figure 12-2.--NCF Organization(Peacetime)Figure 12-3.--Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) Organization.Figure 12-4.--Naval Construction Forces unit locations.Automotive Repair Parts (ARP) OutletTable 12-1.--Current Number of UnitsCamouflage Utility Uniform (CUU)Figure 12-5. --A typical NMCB Supply/Logistic department organization.SUPPLY OFFICER'S MONTHLY REPORT TO COMMANDING OFFICERBATTALION ALLOWANCE STOCK LEVELSNAVY CONSTRUCTION FORCE (NCF) PECULIAR STOCK NUMBERSCESO TECHNICAL MANUAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER SYSTEMCONSOLIDATED SEABEE ALLOWANCE LISTTable 12-2. --Table of Allowance ContentsADVANCE BASE FUNCTIONAL COMPONENT SYSTEMUNIFORM MATERIAL MOVEMENT AND ISSUE PRIORITY SYSTEM (UMMIPS)CTR INVENTORY MANAGEMENTACRONYMSACRONYMS - ContinuedACRONYMS - ContinuedACRONYMS - ContinuedACRONYMS - ContinuedACRONYMS - ContinuedACRONYMS - ContinuedACRONYMS - ContinuedACRONYMS - ContinuedACRONYMS - ContinuedACRONYMS - ContinuedACRONYMS - ContinuedACRONYMS - ContinuedACRONYMS - ContinuedGLOSSARYGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - ContinuedGLOSSARY - Continued