ACR-F Procedures
Item 7 (Reporting Period). Include the period of
time for BCMs and the period of time for
All ships (CVs/LHAs/LPHs) and marine aircraft
groups (MAGs) submitting ACR-F to the NAVICP
less than 90 days for BCMs and 60 days for
must follow procedures for quantity computations
outlined in FASOINST 4441.15. All shore-based
Item 8 (Engines Repaired). Self-explanatory.
operating site activities submitting ACR-F to the
NAV I C P m u s t f o l l ow p r o c e d u r e s f o r q u a n t i t y
Item 9 (Current ICRL Capability Code). Enter
the repair capability code from the most current
individual component repair list (ICRL).
All ACR-F should be submitted to the NAVICP
Item 10 (Computation). The computation
by message with the ACC/TYCOM as an information
method is provided on the form to give the
addressee on NAVSUP Form 1375 (fig. 10-3).
activity an indication of requirement depth
A copy of the completed NAVSUP Form 1375
based on the activity's data submission to the
should be retained for local files and attached to the
copy of the message request forwarded to the
intended to guarantee the requesting activity
that the computed quantity will be the actual
r ev i s e d fi xe d a l l owa n c e q u a n t i t y a f t e r
ACR-F Format
validation by the NAVICP. The input data
provided by the activity is carefully reviewed
The ACR-F, NAVSUP Form 1375, is prepared as
independent of and in comparison with the past
usage experience of other similar activities.
Accordingly, comparative analysis may affect
Section A, items 1 through 5. Self-explanatory.
the final ACR-F requirement decision by the
Item 6 (Usage). Enter previous allowance,
number of BCMs (by category), repairs, and
actual TAT (the constraints in parentheses
should be used in computing the requirements).