Form 4790/2K and on issue documents provide this
required for each equipment. This includes the
frequency of performance, procedures for performing
means of classification.
the maintenance, and the skill level (rate) required to
All material that is consumed in support of a
accomplish the work. Also the tools and materials
maintenance action must be reported. In most cases,
needed to do the job, normal time required, and safety
precautions to be observed. The system provides
repair parts will be drawn from supply storerooms or
planning and scheduling information to the
ordered through supply. The request documents must
departments heads, division officers, and maintenance
contain all data elements necessary for MDS
personnel. Thus, they are able to schedule routine
processing. Figure 11-1 shows a NAVSUP Form
maintenance for underway or inport periods whichever
1250-1 used for this purpose. The various elements of
is the best time to accomplish the maintenance.
MDS data are explained in OPNAVINST 4790.4.
OPNAVINST 4790.4 contains thorough coverage
of the 3-M Systems from a maintenance management
point of view. The 3-M system also includes material
Supply responsibilities for the proper functioning
management by providing information as to how the
of the 3-M systems involve:
Navy is using both its material and manpower.
1. Issuing the material required to accomplish the
necessary maintenance actions, and
2. Making sure that issue documents are correctly
The Maintenance Data System (MDS) provides a
means of recording information on maintenance
a c t i o n s t h a t h ave b e e n t a ke n . E a c h a c t i o n i s
The Maintenance Supply Support Center (MSC) is
documented on a Maintenance Data Form.
the logical place to make sure that the request
Any data collection system must have some means
document is completely and accurately prepared. The
of sorting and classifying information. If you were
MSC is the first to receive requests submitted by
handed a stack of stock record cards and told to sort
maintenance department representatives. It is far better
them, you would also have to be told what kind of a sort
to require complete data when the request is received
was needed before you could proceed. These sorts
than to make an issue on an incomplete document and
include putting them in national stock number (NSN)
or national item identification number (NIIN)
then try to obtain the missing information.
sequence; separating them by cognizance or location;
The issue documents, DD Form 1348 or NAVSUP
removing all cards with excess stock or removing all
Form 1250-1, have previously been discussed as they
cards showing outstanding requisitions. Certain items
of information that must be shown on the OPNAV
pertained to material expenditure. See figure 11-2.
Figure 11-1.--MDS entries on NAVSUP Form 1250-1.