the Naval Aviation Depot Operations Center will be
Point (NAVICP), is a list of aircraft materials, stated
requested to authorize customer service if a serious
in quantities that will satisfy predicted requirements
NMCS/PMCS/Work stoppage condition exists.
for maintenance of a specified mix of aircraft for a
predetermined period of time. Its purpose is to
NALCOMIS activities use conversation code
provide the aviation ship or air station with a tailored
N271 to enter the JCN to the system. Conversation
list of materials that can be used as a stock guide.
code N641 is used to process the return of a component
from depot customer service. This conversation code
Shore Consolidated Allowance List
will record the disposition of the item and produce the
hardcopy notice to accompany the item.
T h e S h o re C o n s o l i d a t e d A l l o w a n c e L i s t
( S H O R C A L ) , p r e p a r e d b y t h e NAV I C P, l i s t s
repairable items and subassemblies required for a
shore station to perform its operational mission in
The complex process of identifying and
support of assigned aircraft, engines, and end items of
specifying the material needs of an organization is
support equipment (SE) based on available local
referred to as allowance or requirements
repair capability.
determination. The determination of material
requirements is a user responsibility, rather than a
supply responsibility. However, the Navy supply
system assists in certain computation aspects of the
requirements determination process as well as the
The operational support inventory (OSI) is a retail
production of standard uniform requirements
stock level comprised of a fixed allowance for DLRs
statements, such as allowance lists.
a n d fi e l d l eve l r e p a i r a b l e s ( F L R s ) a s w e l l a s
consumables. The OSI is that quantity of pre-
positioned material required to support the planned
aircraft program and the unique maintenance mission
T h e i nv e n t o r y c o n t r o l p o i n t s ( I C P s ) a r e
assigned to a given activity.
responsible for the various data inputs, computing the
onboard repair part and equipage requirements, and
We a p o n s s y s t e m s a r e s u p p o r t e d u n d e r t h e
publishing the applicable allowance lists designed to
O S I / fi xe d a l l owa n c e c o n c e p t a s o u t l i n e d i n
identify the material requirements of a ship, aircraft
FASOINST 4441.16. A negotiated firm allowance of
squadron, or shore activity.
repairable assets may not be exceeded without ICP
authorization. Strict one-for-one exchange
Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List
procedures between the O- and I-level maintenance
a c t iv i t i e s a n d t h e s u p p l y d e p a r t m e n t m u s t b e
The Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List
maintained. Requisitions passed off station are not
(COSAL) specifies the range of shipboard material
authorized before BCM action, except for CRIPL
required for support of all installed and portable
items. All OSI/fixed allowance assets are carried in
equipment and provides a list of equipage required for
Purpose code W on the supply officer's records.
a ship to perform its operational mission.
Storage of fixed allowance assets is authorized at any
designated location within an operating site.
Coordinated Shore-Based Allowance List
The fixed allowance concept is designed to
The Coordinated Shore-Based Allowance List
guarantee equal distribution of repairable assets and
(COSBAL) is essentially the same design as the
to ensure adequate levels of supply for operating
COSAL but is provided to selected shore activities
forces as outlined in NAVSUPINST 4440.16. The
based on mission essentiality, special operational
retail operation division of the ASO establishes fixed
requirements, remoteness from normal sources of
allowances with the assistance of each appropriate
supply, and/or a combination of all three.
authorized for stock at each operating site and are
Aviation Consolidated Allowance List
considered as part of the activity's OSI.
Between periodic revisions of the allowance
T h e Av i a t i o n C o n s o l i d a t e d A l l o w a n c e L i s t
authorization document, the item manager, ACC/
(AVCAL), prepared by the Naval Inventory Control