Ship the item in "as is" condition. If contradictory
shipment status card (DI A53) according to DOD
safety instructions exist, they take precedence over the
i n s t r u c t i o n s i n O P NAV I N S T 4 7 9 0 . 2 . W h e n a
SSU processes field-level repairable (FLR) as
hazardous condition is evident, perform only those
tasks necessary to protect the item. When processing
Cognizance symbol 1R and material control code
the item, the following procedures apply:
D identify FLR items. These are repairable assemblies
Cap or package the item immediately to prevent
that have an SM&R code that limits their restoration to
usable condition to I-level maintenance. Upon receipt
Do not attempt any disassembly of the material.
of a defective FLR, IMA will determine its repair
ability and return it to RFI condition or declare it BCM.
Do not make any adjustments.
If the item is BCM, SSU will arrange for a disposition
by using the information in the MRIL. The SSU
Do not perform any type of cleaning.
procedures for processing FLR items are essentially
the same as for DLR with the following exception.
the fluid in a clean and sealed container.
Some FLR have an assigned DOP (as indicated in the
Send all failed fragments, wrapped separately.
MRIL) and must be shipped to the DOP or DSP when
BCM action occurs.
Package the item in the same level of protection
According to NAVSUPINST 4421.20, FLR must
as RFI parts.
not be shipped via ATAC hub.
Mark or tag the item with the control number
Handle non-RFI repairable items in the same
provided by the CFA.
manner as RFI items. Provide particular care to prevent
The following paragraphs describe the procedures
further damage of repairable that is being shipped for
for preparing the EI/QDR exhibit for shipment:
rework. The RFI repairable items that will be reissued
Mark the document and all sides of the container
to local operating units in a short period of time need
with the words "ENGINEERING
minimum packaging and preservation.
INVESTIGATION" or "QDR." Cite the control
The IMA is responsible for internal and external
number provided by the CFA. When using parcel
preservation (before packing) of all items. The IMA is
post, register the shipment. Attach a copy of the
also responsible for providing adequate protection to
message report to the material.
items during movement to the supply packing and
Prepare the DD Form 1348-1 accordingly. In
preservation section. Supply is responsible for the final
record positions 1-3, enter BEI (for EI) or BQD
packing and preservation of repairable items (less
(for QDR). Enter Condition Code L in record
engines) before shipment or storage. The IMA
position 71. Enter other data according to
performs the packing and preservation of engines. Use
the proper container when storing (for a long period) or
shipping engines.
In the "Ship To" block (block B), enter the
shipping code and address according to the
The supply department is responsible for
disposition message. If an item is being sent to a
processing material exhibits for investigation. These
commercial activity, the shipping code is that of
are items needed for an engineering investigation (EI)
the commercial repair facility. An item being
or Quality Deficiency Report (QDR). According to the
sent to an organic depot will have the shipping
NAMP, supply should hold material for 30 days
code of the collocated supporting supply
pending disposition instructions from the cognizant
department (SSD) or designated support point
field activity (CFA). When directed, supply will screen
(DSP). The MRIL contains shipping codes used
stock items suspected as defective. If the disposition
for EI/QDR material.
instruction is not received in 30 days, request a
d i s p o s i t i o n i n s t r u c t i o n f r o m t h e C FA . I f i t i s
In block D, enter the words "INVESTIGATION
determined that an investigation is needed, the
MATERIAL" and the control number. Use block
maintenance engineering cognizant field activity
N for security code, if required. Assign Project
(MECFA) will request the holding activity to ship the
code 754 and movement priority designator 03.
item. Ship items via the ATAC hub.
Enter Condition code L in block P and the JCN in