the MAF copy in the induction return due file until SSU
OPNAV Form 4790/60-VIDS/MAF
submits the corresponding white copy of the DD Form
OPNAV Form 4790/28A-Scheduled Removal
1348. The DCU also completes and verifies the
Component (SRC) card
Material Data block of the MAF copy.
OPNAV Form 4790/106A-Assembly Service
If a component returned from AMSU is RFI, DCU
Record (ASR)
discards the white and green copies of the DD Form
OPNAV Form 4790/113-Equipment History
Record (EHR)
If a component returned from AMSU is non-RFI,
DCU sends the green copy of the DD Form 1348 to the
OPNAV Form 4790/135-Modular Service
financial section and discards the white copy.
Record (MSR)
After processing the components returned from
O P N AV F o r m 4 7 9 0 / 2 9 - A e r o n a u t i c a l
AMSU and the MAF copy in the induction return due
Equipment/Service Record (AESR)
file, DCU sends the MAF copy to DSF for 3-M
Any document formatted for requisitioning
processing. Upon receipt of the processed MAF copy
purposes other than the DD Form 1348
from DSF, DCU files and retains it for 2 years.
DCU maintains the following files:
The NALCOMIS conversation code N270 is the
Automated Aeronautical Material Screening Unit
The document suspense file is a record of demands
(AMSU) Receipt. The AMSU uses this conversation to
for repairable items. In manual processing, it contains
screen and induct items being turned-in for repair from
the white copy of the DD Form 1348 (6-pt) that was
the IMA. The AMSU uses conversation code N271 to
received from TRU/RCU. The DCU holds this file in
job control number (JCN) sequence until receipt of the
screen and induct items turned-in by squadrons,
corresponding MAF as proof of induction from
ASD/SSC, or other external organizations. Processing
in these conversation codes will create a DIFM record
for tracking of items through the repair cycle. The
The exchange due file contains records to indicate
process will also clear the IOU and suspense records.
that a defective turn-in is due. In manual processing,
this file contains the yellow copy of the DD Form 1348
The completed requisition file contains the signed
(6-pt) received from MDU. The DCU keeps this file in
copies of issues from the local repair cycle asset
JCN sequence and uses it to follow up on the turn-in of
(LRCA). Upon receipt of proof of the delivery copy
defective units. The DCU ensures that customers
from MDU, DCU files a copy, by document number
turn-in defective components, listed in CRIPL, within
sequence within the organization code, in the
24 hours after receipt of the replacement. Upon receipt
completed requisition file. The DCU sends the signed
of the turn-in item, DCU gives the signed yellow copy
DD Form 1348 (6-pt) hardback copy or DD Form
of the DD Form 1348 (6-pt) to the customer as proof of
1348-1 to RCU for the POD file.
turn-in. The NALCOMIS conversation code N661
The EXREP or work stoppage file contains the DD
allows the user to print an IOU report. This report will
Form 1348 (6-pt) for outstanding requisitions. This file
list all of the criteria selected by the user. Conversation
represents the requirements for repairable items to be
code N676 displays the IOU status information of a
repaired by the IMA. When requisitions are in EXREP
particular component. The NALCOMIS activities use
or work stoppage status, DCU files the DD Form 1348
a signed copy of the DD Form 1348-1 as proof of
in part number or national item identification number
(NIIN) sequence. Activities may use VIDS board for
The due in from maintenance file contains records
maintaining this file. The NALCOMIS activities can
of components inducted in the repair cycle. In manual
print the EXREP status report by using conversation
processing, it contains the MAF or facsimile copy. The
code N643.
DCU receives a copy of the MAF and the original,
If an RFI repairable component is received from
green, and hardback copies of the DD Form 1348 (6-pt)
IMA, DCU screens this file for the oldest requisition
from AMSU. The DCU uses these documents to check
with the highest priority. The DCU removes the DD
the exchange due file and, if necessary, discards the
Form 1348 from the file, sends it to SSU, and informs
yellow copy of DD Form 1348 (6-pt). The DCU writes
PMU to remove the requisition from NMCS/PMCS/
the issue Julian date on the original copy of the DD
work stoppage listing.
Form 1348 (6-pt) and sends it to DSF. The DCU files