requirements register, file, or log concerning the
In NALCOMIS activities where PEB processing is
implemented, supply personnel can use conversation
code N603 to submit requisitions for replenishments.
In activities that use the pre-posting method, MDU
The user can also produce the pre-expended bin
delivers the DD Form 1348 (6-pt) marked "warehouse
requisition listing by using conversation code N603.
refusal" to TRU via RCU for processing.
NOTE: The NALCOMIS activities use the DD
Program Management Unit (PMU) is responsible for
Form 1348-1 as an issue document. Distribution and
processing and expediting high-priority requirements,
use of DD Form 1348-1 copies may vary at each
such as NMCS/PMCS, broad arrow, work stoppage,
and EXREP. The PMU distributes daily status listings
to supported activities. The PMU also performs a
Expended Bin (PEB) unit contains high-usage,
continuous reconciliation of outstanding requirements
maintenance-related consumable materials that have
between supply and maintenance activities.
been expended from the supply department stock
The PMU processes NC/NIS requisitions for
records and financial accounts.
consumables as follows:
The purpose of the PEB is to shorten the issue and
The PMU receives the DD Form 1348 (less yellow,
accounting procedures for recurring issues of
white, and green copy) from RCU. Upon receipt of DD
maintenance-related materials. The PEBs are located
Form 1348 (6-pt) copies marked NC/NIS, PMU passes
where they are readily accessible to maintenance
the requisition off station. The PMU files the
personnel and, when feasible, where they can be
requisition in the direct turnover (DTO) due file.
observed by the retail outlet Storekeeper to aid in
recognizing abuses to the pre-expended system.
Upon receipt of material, PMU will receive a copy
of the shipping document from the receiving section.
Items subject to pilferage are retained within an
The PMU forwards the original DD Form 1348 to stock
enclosure with access limited to authorized personnel.
control for RECTYP 60 processing. The PMU attaches
The SRS is responsible for the management and
the pink and hardback copy of DD Form 1348 (6-pt) to
maintenance of the PEB. This includes the
the receipt document. The PMU forwards the
replenishment or turn-in action, as required. The PEB
documents to MDU for pickup of material for delivery
stock is limited to maintenance-related material having
to the customer.
a minimum demand frequency of three per month. The
The PMU processes NC/NIS EXREP and work
quantity of each item pre-expended may not exceed an
stoppage requisitions for repairable parts as follows:
estimated 30-day supply, subject to the requirement
that stock be replenished in-full package quantities.
The PMU receives the green copy of DD Form
1348 (6-pt) as notification of EXREP or work
The supply officer and the maintenance officer of
stoppage. The PMU files the green copy in the pending
the supported activity are jointly responsible for
determining eligible items in the PEB. This includes
items to be added or purged from pre-expended stocks.
If the EXREP or work stoppage is RFI, PMU
Eligible items with a unit cost of 0 or less may be
receives the white copy of DD Form 1348 (6-pt) from
routinely established in PEB stock. Eligible items with
the document control unit (DCU). The PMU removes
a unit cost in excess of 0 may be pre-expended with
the green copy of the DD Form 1348 from the pending
the approval of the commanding officer. The SRS will
file and discards both the white and green copies.
replenish the PEB as necessary.
If the EXREP or work stoppage part is beyond
Stock records require a quarterly review to ensure
capability of maintenance (BCM), PMU receives the
that all items have sufficient usage for retention in the
original, pink, and hardback copies of the DD Form
P E B . Yo u a l s o s h o u l d c o r r e c t a ny m i x i n g o f
1348 (6-pt) from DCU. The PMU files them in the
pre-expended items during the quarterly review. As a
outstanding requisition file. The PMU removes the
minimum, purge and return to the supply department
green copy of the DD Form 1348 (6-pt) from the
any item that had no demand within the last 12 months.
pending file. The PMU forwards the green copy to the
Refer to OPNAVINST 4790.2 for list of items not
supporting supply activity for financial obligation and
authorized for inclusion in the PEB.
initiates an off-station requisition.