break out will sign, put the date and time of breakout,
from DCU. The SSU retains this copy until receipt of
the signed off MAF copy (or facsimile) from AIMD.
and put the serial number of the item being issued on
the DD Form 1348-1. The R-pool retains copy 6 of the
Upon receipt of the items from IMA, SSU
DD Form 1348-1 until receipt of the POD from MDU.
processes them as follows:
The primary conversation codes used are N609, N610,
Checks the condition of the item as indicated on
N612, N613, N614, N615, N616, N639, N670, N671,
the MAF (or facsimile).
N676, and N677. Refer to the NALCOMIS User's
Manual for other conversation codes used by the
Removes the corresponding white copy of the
LRCA unit.
DD Form 1348 (6-pt) from the IMA due file and
sends it to DCU with the appropriate annotation.
screening unit (SSU) is responsible for processing all
SSU processes RFI items for stock as follows:
items returned from the IMA. The SSU should be
located next to the AMSU. The SSU is also responsible
If the item was issued from Purpose code A or
for preparing retrograde for shipment via ATAC within
LRCA Purpose code W stock, mark a copy of the MAF
2 working days. The SSU also processes field level
(or facsimile) "STOCK." Mark or stamp "RFI" on the
repairable for shipment or return to storage. Where
DD Form 1348 (6-pt) white copy and forward it to
practical, retain items with assigned movement
DCU. Initiate a DD Form 1348-1 and send the item and
priority designator 03 in the Master Repairable Item
associated documents to the warehouse.
List (MRIL) in awaiting shipment no longer than
If the item was issued from Purpose code W and is
one-half of a workday.
locally repairable, mark a copy of the MAF (or
facsimile) "LRCA." Mark or stamp the DD Form 1348
Under fixed allowance procedures, DLRs must be
(6-pt) white copy "RFI" and forward it to DCU. Send
certified BCM and prepared for shipment to a DOP
the RFI item with the MAF copy (or facsimile) and
before a replacement can be requisitioned for stock or
associated documents to the LRCA storage unit.
end use (excluding CRIPL items and ZA9 Project
code). Every section or unit concerned with repairable
SSU processes RFI items for issue on requisitions
must handle BCM DLRs quickly.
as follows:
Assign document numbers for shipping
If an outstanding requisition exists for the item,
unserviceable AVDLR as follows:
SSU will receive the requisition from DCU. The SSU
will provide MDU with the RFI item, associated
For material issued from the wholesale stock or
documents, and DD Form 1348 (6-pt) pink and
DBOF stores account, use the requisition
hardback copies.
number. For example, the stock point issued the
item on a ZA9 requisition. Upon receipt of the
There will be instances when the DD Form 1348
item, the squadron turned in the unserviceable
(6-pt) white copy in the IMA due file indicates that an
part for repair to AIMD. After induction, AIMD
RFI item should be returned to LRCA storage. In this
certifies the item as BCM. In this case, the
case, SSU will process the item as follows:
shipment document number for the retrograde
Attach the original copy of the DD Form 1348
must be the same as the requisition.
(6-pt) to the MAF copy. Forward the copies to
the LRCA storage location with the appropriate
For material issued from end use, such as
remarks for affecting a receipt against the JCN
ASD/SSC, use the replenishment document
on the MAF copy and for issue against the JCN
number. The retrograde shipment document
on the original copy of the DD Form 1348 (6-pt).
must cite the document number of the stock
replenishment. This will close the loop of
Mark or stamp the white copy of the DD Form
carcass tracking.
1348 (6-pt) "RFI." Send the white copy of the
DD Form 1348 (6-pt) to DCU for completion of
N OT E : R e f e r t o FA S O I N S T 1 3 4 9 0 . 3 f o r
identification and disposition of repairable aircraft
return due file.
The SSU maintains the IMA due file. This file
There will be instances when the white copy of the
contains the white copy of the DD Form 1348 received
DD Form 1348 (6-pt) indicates that the RFI item was