For repairable issues, RCU receives the hardback
creates a turn-in (D6A) record. It also generates a DD
Form 1348-1 or Repairable Movement Notice (D6A) if
copy from the document control unit (DCU) for the
the item is repairable.
POD file. The RCU also makes the proper entries in the
requisition log.
NOTE: In the event that wrong material was
received from off station, either RFI or non-RFI, and
The RCU processes not-carried (NC) or
there is no allowance for the material, submit a Report
not-in-stock (NIS) requisitions for consumable
of Discrepancy (ROD) for disposition instructions.
material as follows:
The RCU prepares a duplicate DD Form 1348
The RCU receives and forwards requisitions
(6-pt) (or other document) of the original requisition
marked NC/NIS to the technical research unit for
with RECTYP 62. The RECTYP 62 will delete the
substitutes or interchangeable. If the requisition is still
RECTYP 60 previously submitted. The RCU forwards
NC/NIS, RCU provides the status to the customer. The
one copy of the DD Form 1348 to the data services
RCU forwards NMCS, PMCS, and work stoppage
facility (DSF) for processing. A duplicate DD Form
requisitions [less yellow, white, and green copies of
1348 is not required if the original copy can be located
DD Form 1348 (6-pt)] to PMU. The RCU forwards
and destroyed before being forwarded to DSF.
indirect support requisitions to the control division for
referral action. Upon receipt of the signed hardback
In NALCOMIS activities, RCU is primarily
copy, RCU files it in the proof of delivery file (POD)
involved with conversation codes N601, N602, N604,
and discards the green copy from the suspense file.
N607, N610, and N615. The RCU also uses
conversation codes N606, N614, N619, N624, N630,
The RCU processes NC/NIS requisitions for
N643, N668, and N679. Refer to the NALCOMIS
repairable material as follows:
User's Manual for other conversation codes used by
Upon receipt of the green copy marked NC/NIS
from storeroom custodian, RCU provides the status to
the customer. If the requisition is NMCS/PMCS/work
Technical Research Unit (TRU) is responsible for the
stoppage, RCU sends the green copy to the programs
verification of requisition data, such as part number,
management unit (PMU) and notifies DCU of the
stock number, references, and other technical data.
EXREP or work stoppage status. Then RCU gives the
When applicable, a thorough technical research is
yellow copy of the DD Form 1348 to the material
made for substitution, interchangeability, and alternate
delivery unit for pickup of retrograde.
national item identification numbers. When an NSN
The RCU processes NC/NIS requisitions for items
for requested material cannot be identified, enter the
listed in the Consolidated Remain In Place List
manufacturer's part number in its place--CAGE code
in block R and 99 in card columns 55 and 56. In
(CRIPL) as follows:
addition, the following data is required:
Upon receipt of the DD Form 1348 (less white
copy), RCU will provide the status to the customer.
Document identifier (DI).
The RCU forwards the DD Form 1348 (less white
National stock number (NSN).
copy) to the PMU for further processing.
The RCU acts upon unsatisfactory issues as
Unit of issue.
Cognizant symbol (COG). If COG 4V is
Upon receiving notification that material is ready
entered indicating an aircraft engine request,
for pickup, RCU informs MDU to pickup the item. If
block R must contain an engine TEC instead of
the item is in ready for issue (RFI) condition, MDU
a CAGE code.
routes the item to stock after checking the item with the
turn-in document. If the item is in an unserviceable
Advice code, mandatory for repairable items
condition, MDU forwards the item to the component
with NSN. If an advice code not available,
obtain the code from requisitioner.
control section (CCS). In turn, CCS prepares the MAF
(or other document) needed to induct the item to IMA.
Purpose code.
The NALCOMIS activities use customer refusal
transaction to record the return of consumable or
Condition code. Not required for SUADPS
repairable items from the customers. This process