Figure 10-3.--Allowance Change Request-Fixed, NAVSUP Form 1375.
TYCOM, or the operating site may request changes to
present and continuing mission. Fully justified
the fixed allowance quantity, based on usage demand.
ACR-FS are submitted on NAVSUP Form 1375 for all
7R and 1RD repairable. An ACR-F is not submitted
for consumable expense-type items.
The ACR is negotiated between the NAVICP and
the operating activity. The NAVICP should process
The allowance change request-fixed (ACR-F) is a
ACR-Fs within 15 working days from receipt or
means for the fleet to recommend a revision to the
provide an interim message pending disposition. All
authorized fixed allowance levels. An ACR-F is
unjustified requests are automatically disapproved
submitted when the current allowance quantity does
and returned with an explanation.
not appear to be sufficient to support the activity's