functions to protect NMCB personnel, camps, job sites
T h e N ava l M o b i l e C o n s t r u c t i o n B a t t a l i o n
and convoys against ground troops and light armored
(NMCB) not only constructs advanced base facilities
vehicles to include: perimeter defense; security
in support of the Navy, Marine Corps and other armed
p a t r o l s ; o p p o r t u n e a m bu s h ; s i t e / e n g i n e e r i n g
services engaged in military operations, but is also
reconnoitering; observations and listening posts;
capable of defensive combat operations.
defensive reaction force; and other measures that
The most demanding operating environment
enhance the defense of the unit. Construction and
anticipated for the NMCB is in foreign country during
maintenance capabilities decrease as defensive
wartime, performing engineering combat service
requirements/combat situations increase.
support for the Marine Air-Ground Task Force
(MAGTF) operating in climates ranging from extreme
cold to tropical to desert environments. The NMCB is
capable of limited operations in a CBR contaminated
An NMCB may operate in small task organized
Learning Objective: Define the major
units (with a range of command and control options)
organizational components of the Naval
throughout the theater within the full spectrum of
Constructions Forces.
t h r e a t e nv i r o n m e n t s . N M C B s m a y e n c o u n t e r
The Naval Construction Force (NCF) consists of
organized battalion-sized ground combat units, special
commissioned units of the Navy operating forces that
operations forces, guerrilla and terrorist activities. A
are under control of the Chief of Naval Operations
substantial percentage of operations will be prosecuted
(CNO). The CNO commissions Naval Construction
in joint/combined scenarios.
Force units, assigns them to the fleet, and approves
In Operations Other Than War (OOTW), NMCB s
their deployment. He also defines the general mission,
are involved in the full spectrum of operations
approves personnel allowance lists, establishes
including peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance,
detachment sites, and approves the NMCB table of
civic action, disaster recovery and routine base facility
allowance (TOA), except for small arms, weapons, and
operations and maintenance. These operations are
landing party equipment allowances.
frequently characterized by confined and congested
The Commanders in Chief of the Atlantic and
areas occupied by friends, adversaries, and neutrals,
Pacific Fleets are charged with ensuring that NMCB
making identification and coordination difficult.
deployments and assigned projects follow CNO
Well-armed adversaries and unstable geopolitical
policies. They exercise command or operational and
environments require increased defensive measures,
administrative control of the NCF units assigned to
making the prosecution of public works, construction
their command.
and operations, maintenance and repair functions more
Under the Commanders in Chief of the Fleets,
d i ffi c u l t . N M C B s a r e c a p a b l e o f p e r f o r m i n g
various type commanders command all the ships or
construction in a low-threat environment, which
units of a certain type. Commander, Second Naval
requires a defensive posture in unsecured and isolated
Construction Brigade (Norfolk) and Commander,
locations without the direct protection of supported
Third Naval Construction Brigade (Pearl Harbor) have
forces. A substantial percentage of operations will be
been established as representatives of the Commander
prosecuted in joint/combined scenarios.
in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet and the Commander in
An NMCB may operate as part of an NCR or as the
Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet, respectively, to exercise
single NCF element in support of the Area of Force
command and administrative control over assigned
Seabee units. Much of this control is exercised through
Capable of performing assigned primary mission
the homeport Naval Construction Regiment (NCR).
areas simultaneously while performing defensive
The homeport NCR trains and supports brigade units,