The responsibility for replenishing pre-expended
Pre-expended bin material should not be confused
bins is determined by the maintenance level of the ship.
with material in custody of other departments. The latter
is carried on stock record cards by supply and issue
Intermediate level (tenders/repair ships)-the SSC is
documents must be prepared each time an item is used.
responsible for reviewing and replenishing pre-expended
Pre-expended bin material has already been issued and
bins in the various using shops.
expended from the stock record cards. No further
O rg a n i z a t i o n l eve l ( o t h e r s h i p s ) - t h e u s i n g
accountability is required, other than for the using
department or shop is responsible for maintaining
department to make sure that it is properly used.
adequate stocks for their own use. Designating an item as
The use of pre-expended bin material permits more
pre-expended material does not remove the item from
realistic reporting. For example, a Machinist's Mate is
supply storerooms. Supply must still maintain sufficient
repairing a pump and must replace a 5/16-18 hex nut. The
stock in their storeroom to meet demands.
unit of issue for the 5/16-18 hex nut is HD (hundred).
Issue documents for pre-expended material are
Only one nut is used on the pump. Without pre-expended
prepared in the same manner as they are for other issues.
material, a request for 1 HD nuts must be submitted with
the total material and cost usage being charged to the
Submitting MDS Documents
Using pre-expended bin material works equally well
After issue documents have been processed by the
in reducing the volume of issue documents. If the ETs use
stock records Storekeeper, the green copies (of either
a particular tube in several equipments, they might have
NAVSUP Form 1250-1, or DD Form 1348) are sent to the
an almost daily requirement for this tube in maintaining
maintenance office for verification of MDS data This
those equipments. If each requirement is submitted on a
should be done on a regular schedule and a checklist kept
separate requests, an excessive amount of paperwork
to show the number of documents sent to and returned by
results. This can be prevented by submitting one
the maintenance office to prevent loss of copies. After
pre-expended bin material request for a quantity of these
they have been reviewed and returned, they are sent to the
tubes and maintaining a small stock in their shop.
TYCOM data processing facility.