Commander, SECOND Naval Construction
including active and reserve NMCBs, CBUs, NCFUs
Brigade, and Commander, THIRD Naval
and CBMUs. For active duty battalions, this support
Construction Brigade
includes providing military, technical and special
Seabee training to assist them in becoming completely
Commander, SECOND Naval Construction Brigade,
s e l f - s u ffi c i e n t a n d c a p a b l e o f d e p l o y i n g a n d
(COMSECONDNCB) and Commander, THIRD Naval
accomplishing a mission anywhere in the world. The
Construction Brigade, (CONTHIRDNCB) provide
homeport NCR receives, processes and trains new
command, operational, and administrative control, and
personnel in transit to deployed battalions and receives
logistics guidance to assigned NCF components. The
logistics function is assigned to Code N4. Personnel of all
personnel from battalions for processing for release
TYCOM logistic management organizations at
from active duty or reassignment to new duty stations.
headquarters and in the field are available for advice and
The Chief of Naval Operations may establish
assistance as required by NCF units. Supply Officer
N ava l C o n s t r u c t i o n R eg i m e n t s a n d N ava l
reporting to NCF units should visit headquarters for a
familiarization briefing before relieving.
Construction Brigades (NCBs) to meet certain
command requirements in particular geographic areas
or situations. Operational regiments consist of two or
Logistic Representatives
more NMCBs under one commander; while a brigade
is made up of two or more regiments under one
Logistic Representatives (LOGREPs) are at Camp
commander. The mission of the operational brigades
Mitchell, Spain; Camp Moscrip, Puerto Rico; Camp
and regiments is different from the mission of the
Covington, Guam; and Camp Shields, Okinawa. They
homeport regiments. Operational regiments and
assist camp and detail sites in supply and logistics
functions and act as liaison between battalion, host
brigades are primary planning groups and exist as
command support personnel and local material
subdivisions of the military command, exercising the
administrative and operational control to meet specific
operational requirements.
Naval Construction Regiments
Each brigade also has both administrative and
Naval Construction Regiments (NCRs) provide
operational control of Construction Battalion Units.
command, administrative, and operational control of
Apart from the brigade chains of command, there are
two or more NCBs as assigned. They develop
two Amphibious Construction Battalions, which are
construction project plans and estimates and assign
part of the Naval Support Element and report to the
construction projects and direct redistribution of
Fleet Commander via the Beach Group.
equipment and materials within their area of
cognizance. The homeport regiments (31st NCR and
Naval Construction Force Command
20 th NCR) are responsible for training of NMCBs,
regiments will coordinate the movement of NMCBs,
The detailed functions and responsibilities of all
both active and reserve through Port Hueneme and
NCF commands are contained in NAVFAC P-315. See
Gulfport respectively.
figure 12-1 and 12-2.
Naval Construction Battalion Centers
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
Naval Construction Battalion Centers (NCBCs)
are shore stations equipped and staffed to support the
N ava l Fa c i l i t i e s E n g i n e e r i n g C o m m a n d
NCF. The NCBC mission is five-fold: operate a naval
(NAVFAC) provides support for the NCF in the general
base; support deployed Seabees; operate strategic
area of shore facilities and related material and
equipment. The commander of NAVFAC serves as
support amphibious forces. Each NCBC has a supply
technical advisor to the CNO on NCF matters and to
and fiscal department and a construction equipment
the Chief of Naval Personnel on CEC officer and
d e p a r t m e n t t h a t f u r n i s h e s i n t e r m e d i a t e l eve l
Seabee personnel matters.
maintenance for units of automotive and construction