before matching inventoried quantities with applicable
exist between the physical count and the amount
stock record balances, the inventory count documents
recorded on stock records.
must be reviewed by inventory personnel to make sure
Stock Records in Agreement
the following procedures have been accomplished:
All items scheduled for inventory have been
Upon receipt of inventory count document from
counted or verified as nonexistent.
the inventory personnel, the stock records Storekeeper
must make sure that
Quantities counted are legibly recorded and
compatible with units of issue.
items are documented in the correct sequence;
All prerecorded locations applicable to the
multiple cards or entries applicable to the same
inventory segment have been checked, and for
item are grouped and totaled by NIIN;
each location, a quantity or zero is entered.
all manual entries are legible;
(Locations prerecorded in count documents
must not be deleted by inventory personnel, even
all annotated remarks are clearly understood;
though such locations may not be accurate.)
any obvious omissions or inconsistencies are
"Added" items are accurately identified and
reconciled immediately by the responsible
legibly recorded.
inventory personnel.
Applicable remarks are legibly entered and
When the count documents are accurate and
explicitly stated.
complete, they must be compared, item by item, with
the applicable stock records to determine if a
Items are documented in NIIN sequence.
difference exists. If no differences exist, the matched
Count documents are dated and initialed.
count cards or matched items in the inventory listing
must be posted to applicable stock records. The Julian
date of the inventory and the notation "INV" must be
entered in the "DATE DOCUMENT No." column of
the NAVSUP Form 1114, and the inventory quantity
After the physical count and review of the count
(which should be the same as the existing stock record
documents, the next step in the inventory process is to
balance) must be entered in the "ON HAND" column.
reconcile (compare) the count documents with the
(See figure 6-2.) If differences exist in on-hand
stock records. This is done to determine if differences
quantities, locations, or other stock record data, such
Figure 6-2.--A sample of an inventory posted to stock record.