stowage space permits. They are always under
LOGMARS inventory program uses the barcode
his or her management.
reader to gather inventory data. These data are
uploaded to the host computer system. The
CONSUMABLES. Consumables are in the
L O G M A R S i nv e n t o r y p r o g r a m p r o v i d e s t w o
custody of the supply officer when supply
inventory options. They are the NIIN and location
department stowage space permits. Stocked
inventory options. The NIIN inventory option allows
consumables (i.e., consumable items "carried as
the user to inventory all locations on file for selected
supply department stock) are managed by the
items of stock. The location inventory option allows
supply officer. This is the case if the items are
users to inventory all or selected group of stock within
stored in supply or other department spaces.
a specified location or range of locations. Refer to the
Nonstocked consumables (i.e., consumable
LOGMARS User's Guide for detailed procedures
items "not carried as supply department stock)
about the system.
are in the custody and under the management of
other department heads.
The forms and publications used in the inventory
(MAMs). Maintenance assistance modules are
management of general stores in non-automated ships
in the custody of the supply officer. They are
are found in the NAVSUP P-485. These publications
located in the appropriate operating and
contain the "how to" detailed information in the area of
maintenance spaces under the subcustody of
i nve n t o r y m a n a g e m e n t f o r w h i c h e a c h S K i s
operating or maintenance personnel.
responsible. Each of the forms is a tool for you to
document the inventory process.
service spares are repair parts in the custody of
the supply officer. They are located in the
appropriate operating and maintenance spaces
under the subcustody of operating/maintenance
The type of inventory to be performed depends on
the type of material to be inventoried and the type of
information needed.
Bulkhead to Bulkhead
Learning Objective: Describe physical
A bulkhead to bulkhead inventory is a physical
i nv e n t o r i e s c o n d u c t e d t h a t a c c o u n t f o r
count of all stock material aboard the ship or within a
Navy-owned material in stores account.
specific storeroom. A bulkhead to bulkhead inventory
of the ship's entire stock of repair parts is usually
inventory control. The primary goal of a physical
performed during a Supply Operating Assistance
inventory is to ensure that the quantity reflected in
Program/Integrated Logistics Overhaul. A bulkhead to
records agrees with the quantity in location. The
bulkhead inventory of a specific storeroom is
computer program can produce inventory count cards
performed when a random sampling inventory of that
or listings to aid in accomplishing the inventory
storeroom fails to meet an inventory accuracy rate of
schedules on almost any basis desired. Some of the
90 percent. It is also performed when directed by the
o p t i o n s ava i l a b l e a r e i nve n t o r y b y s t o r e r o o m ,
TYCOM incident to a supply management assist
cognizance symbol, money value, or shelf life. To get
(SMA), when directed by the commanding officer, or
the inventory aid, stock control submits a request to the
when circumstances indicate that it is needed to
Functional Area Supervisor for the specific option
maintain effective inventory control.
desired. Based on the stock control request, the FAS
prepares the necessary documentation to get the
Specific Commodity
desired inventory output.
The specific commodity inventory is a physical
Automated activities may use the Logistics
count of all items under the same cognizance symbol,
Applications Marking and Reading Symbols
federal supply class, or which support the same
(LOGMARS) Inventory Module. This is an integrated
operational function, such as boat spares, electron
program designed for shipboard scheduled or
tubes, boiler tubes, or firebrick. This type of inventory
unscheduled physical inventory functions. The