inventory personnel equipped with appropriate count
d o c u m e n t s a n d i nv e n t o r y a i d s m u s t p r o c e e d
systematically from location to location in
bring stock and stock records into agreement, you can see
predetermined sequence. For each item subject to
the importance of a complete and accurate inventory.
inventory, inventory personnel must make sure that:
To reduce inventory errors, you should do the
Each item is legibly identified by an appropriate
stock number or part number. Each fragile or
Work quietly and without haste.
potentially hazardous item is conspicuously
marked or labeled to indicate caution or warning.
Write legibly.
Each unit of each item is inspected for material
Make sure that the count is accurate.
condition and any quantity found unfit for issue
Make sure that the right unit of issue is used
or in need of represervation is recorded.
when performing the count.
Each item is carefully counted, weighed, or
measured, and the quantity inventoried is legibly
Count Documents
recorded on the count document. (If the same
item is stored in multiple locations, the quantity
Documents authorized for conducting inventory
in each location must be recorded.)
counts of stock material include NAVSUP Form 1075
(whether or not maintained as locator records) and
Quantities and units of issue recorded in count
machine or manually prepared listings. Stock Record
documents are compatible (e.g., if the unit of
Cards Afloat, NAVSUP Form 1114, even when
issue is PR and 100 bearings are counted, record
maintained in storerooms, are not to be used as
50, not 100).
i nv e n t o r y c o u n t d o c u m e n t s . I nv e n t o r y c o u n t
A tag, label, or card annotated with the inventory
documents should contain the following information
quantity and date is attached to each reel or
for each item:
container from which an item is issued in a unit
Complete stock number or part number
of measure (foot, pound, gallon, etc.). This
Description (optional)
makes sure that future issues of such items can be
tallied to reflect the remaining quantity on each
Unit of issue
reel or in each container.
All locations except for bulkhead to bulkhead
Actual location of each item is either checked or
inventory of a specific storeroom or other
entered in the count document.
storage area
Consolidated storage of items with multiple
Count Procedures
locations is achieved when possible. If directed
by the supply officer, lockers, cabinets, or
A complete and accurate item count is basic to
drawers used for storage of infrequently
conducting a physical inventory. Inventory personnel
demanded items are sealed after a complete
must make sure that the total quantity of each item is
inventory of their contents has been performed
determined as accurately as possible during the initial
and verified.
count of a storage area. Inventory aids, such as tape
Inventory personnel are responsible for keeping
measures, scales, equivalency tables, and measuring
themselves aware of all receipts and expenditures of
devices, must be used when available. You may open
items included in the segment being inventoried. They
sealed containers when necessary for item
must also make sure that documents applicable to such
identification or quantity verification. Preservation
receipts and expenditures are conspicuously stamped
packaging must not be broken without approval of the
or annotated "BEFORE INVENTORY" or "AFTER
supply officer. All opened containers must be resealed
INVENTORY," as appropriate.
after identification and count have been determined.
Each container must be dated and initialed by the
Review of Count Documents
person who verified its contents.
Regardless if all items in a specific area or only
Promptly u p o n c o m p l e t i o n o f t h e p hy s i c a l
certain items in specific locations are to be inventoried,
inventory of a material segment or storage area and