equipage. If controlled equipage, the code also
indicates if a custody signature is or is not required. It
Receipts and expenditures should be entered
also shows the departments normally assigned
promptly. Each entry must show the date of the
custodial responsibility. The equipage custody codes
transaction, receipt or expenditure document number,
are found in the NAVSUP P-485. When distributed by
activity received from or expended to, the quantity
the NAVICP, COSALs, in which equipage items are
received or expended, and the balance. When signature
custody coded, will be accompanied with partially
is required, each new balance must be attested by the
prepared NAVSUP Form 306 for certain items and
signature of the responsible head of department.
with ADP lists for others. The NAVSUP Form 306 are
Figure 6-4 shows sample requisition, receipt, and issue
provided for use as custody records, after other
documents for equipage.
required data, such as department card number,
additional description, and serial numbers have been
entered. The ADP lists are provided only for use as
All equipage items must be inventoried once a year
convenient "master" lists and are not to be used as
during the period starting 15 February and ending 15
custody records. Equipage and Equipment
March. An equipage item inventory is also required on the
Categorization and Custody (EEC) codes are defined
following events:
as follows:
When a ship is commissioned, inactivated, or
Equipage item
Repair parts and equipment-related
Upon relief of the head of department for items in the
department concerned
General use consumables
Upon change of command at the discretion of the
relieving commanding officer
Signature required
March. This is so that post-inventory actions can be
accomplished in time to be reflected in the "Equipage
Control/Redistribution Source Document." This
The Equipage Custody Record, NAVSUP Form
document may be required as an addendum to the type
306, is prescribed as a custody record and inventory
commander's copy of the Budget/OPTAR Report for
control document for controlled equipage in
March according to NAVSUP P-485. When a ship-wide
nonautomated ships. When items are designated as
or departmental inventory of equipage has been taken
controlled equipage by the commanding commander,
during the 6-month period before the start of the
the notation "CO DESIGNATED ITEM" or "TYCOM
annual inventory, the requirement for the current year
DESIGNATED ITEM," as appropriate, is entered in
is considered to be satisfied. When a departmental
the top or bottom margin of the NAVSUP Form 306.
inventory of equipage is taken incident to the relief of
a d e p a r t m e n t h e a d , t h e r e l i eve d a n d r e l i ev i n g
d e p a r t m e n t h e a d s t a ke s i t j o i n t l y. I t m u s t b e
completed before the detachment of the relieved
Unless NAVSUP Form 306 are provided with the
department head.
COSAL, equipage custody records are prepared in an
original and one copy for each item of equipage in the
Preparing for Inventory
custody of each department head. The original of each
Before a physical inventory of equipage, all
custody record, as well as each duplicate for equipage
unprocessed receipt and expenditure documents
in the custody of the supply department, is retained by
relating to controlled equipage must be completed
the supply officer. All other duplicate custody records
and posted to applicable NAVSUP Form 306. The
are given to the cognizant department head.
originals of NAVSUP Form 306 for items with serial
An example of a NAVSUP Form 306 is shown in
numbers are reviewed to make sure the serial numbers
figure 6-3. Guidelines for preparing the NAVSUP
are on them. Original custody records without serial
Form 306 are found in NAVSUP P-485.
numbers are marked to show that serial numbers must