validity rate will be computed upon completion of a
location audit for a particular storeroom or storage
Accurate s t o r e r o o m i n f o r m a t i o n h e l p s i n
area. Auditing 5 percent of the locations involved, and
performing material receipt, issue, stowage, and
then subtracting the number of erroneous locations
inventory. The Location Audit Program (LAP) is the
from the number of locations audited compute the rate.
method used to check locations in storage with stock
Then divide the number of valid locations by the total
records. Location audits should be scheduled for
number of locations audited. As an example, the
completion just before the scheduled inventory of a
validation of 850 locations resulted in 17 errors.
particular storage area. All storage areas must be
Subtract 17 from 850, which equals 833. Divide 833 by
audited annually. The benefits of conducting location
850, which equals .98. This shows the accuracy rate is
audits are as follows:
98 percent.
Improved supply effectiveness
To update the location data in stock records, follow
the procedures set for your activity.
Reduced inventory effort
Improved inventory accuracy
Maximum usage of storage spaces
L e a r n i n g O b j e c t i v e : I n t e r p re t s u p p l y
procedures involved with record keeping,
T h e N AV S U P I N S T 4 4 4 0 . 1 8 5 a n d t y p e
acquisition, inventory, custody and turn-in of
commander directives contain the location and audit
custody type material.
procedures. The information checked during the
location audit is the stock number, location, unit of
Equipage consists of shipboard items selected or
issue, and shelf-life expiration date. Location audits
approved by fleet commanders in chief for special
can produce computer listings for various information.
inventory control. Accurate inventory management of
This may be a listing of stock items with on-hand
equipage issued for use requires the maintenance of
quantity but no locations listed. The computer listings
separate custody cards for individual items as well as
may be lists of materials that have multiple locations
certain physical inventory criteria prescribed in the
You should make every effort to find out the
location of the items listed as "Material On-Hand With
No Location." Perform the research by using the stock
control history files, transaction listings, or other files.
The commanding officer or type commander may
If a location for the item is found, add the location in
designate equipage (either as "signature required" or
the stock record. If unable to find the location, process
"nonsignature required") as additional equipage items
an LBI or survey to adjust the stock records.
which he or she deems necessary to be so controlled.
Any of the "nonsignature required" items listed in the
When an item found in the location is not in the
NAVSUP P-485 may be designated as "signature
master stock record, list the item in stock as GBI. The
required when the commander deems necessary."
GBI action is subject to the threshold for the
Items designated by the commanding officer are
preliminary and causative research.
identified in a list prepared by the supply officer and
Consolidate items with excessive locations into as
approved by the commanding officer. The supply
few locations in the same storeroom as possible. Delete
officer retains the original list, and a copy is provided
locations listed in the stock record that do not contain
to each department head concerned. When the type
any of the material. Record location changes in the
commander designates items, the supply officer retains
stock records.
a copy of the type commander's directive and provides
a copy to each department head concerned.
Put items found in the wrong location into the
existing location. If needed, assign a new location for
the item. When assigning a new location, consider the
number of items already assigned in the same location.
Each equipage item listed in the Allowance
By using the sampling procedures of the type
Equipage Lists (AELs) and the Coordinated Shipboard
commander, personnel must ensure that a 98 percent
Allowance Lists (COSALs) is assigned a code that
location validity is verified annually. The location
shows if the item is controlled or noncontrolled