Figure 6-3.--A sample of an equipage record (NAVSUP Form 306).
inventory of equipage. Each item must be seen and
be determined during the upcoming inventory.
Custodial department heads are told to make the same
impeded for serviceability by the person performing
notation, if needed, in their duplicate custody records.
t h e i nve n t o r y. S e r i a l n u m b e r c o n t r o l m u s t b e
At least 1 month before 15 February, the supply
maintained on those items identified in NAVSUP
officer prepares an official notice advising all
P-485. Differences between serial numbers on the
department heads of procedural details to be followed
material and those on the custody records must be
i nv e s t i g a t e d a n d r e c o n c i l e d . T h e d a t e o f t h e
equipage. The commanding officer or an officer with
inventory, quantity inventoried, and signature of the
delegated authority signs the notice.
person performing the inventory must be entered in
the "Inventory Record" of the department head's
Performing the Inventory
duplicate custody records. The entries must be made
The head of each department is responsible for
by pen or indelible pencil.
inventorying the items for which items are in their
The inventory entries recorded in the duplicate
custody. The duplicate NAVSUP Form 306 is used
when performing and recording the physical
custody records are transcribed as soon as possible to