(record position 72). The Document Identifier (record
EXPENDITURES.--Aviation fuel expenditures
include issue to aviation units, issue to ship's
position 1-3) of the shipping document must be blank.
propulsion, offload, or cash sales.
Refer to NAV S U P P-485 and NAVSUP P-545 for the
detailed format of DD Form 1348-1 used in shipping
Issues and transfers of fuels to aviation units will
excess AVDLR. The Management code C (record
result to a charge to the unit's OPTAR. This will appear
position 72) means the item is being returned for
as a charge to the proper flight operations (FLTOPS)
possible credit. If the ICP grants the credit, it will be
fired code of the squadron or unit.
given to the type commander of the requesting activity.
Issues of aviation fuel to ship's propulsion will be
If the returned RFI AVDLR item is not carried
charged to the fleet commander's open allotment.
(NC) in stock, create the record of the NSN in the stock
Aviation fuels offloaded to Navy shore activities
records. Process the item as "Material Returned to
are documented on DD Form 1149 and processed as
Store," and then offload it at the first opportunity.
other supply officer (OSO) transfers.
O F F L O A D I N G AV D L R I T E M S . -- T h e
Aviation fuel provided to Air Force planes or
re-AVCAL or physical inventory will identify the
activities or other DOD aircraft will be processed as
AVDLR items that are no longer needed for stock or
cash sale transactions.
excess to the authorized allowances. These items must
be offloaded to the nearest TIR activity for processing.
fuel lost by other than receipt adjustment should be
The shipping document must be prepared according to
documented by a survey. Some causes of fuel losses
t h e f o r m a t d e s c r i b e d i n N AV S U P P - 4 8 5 a n d
NAV S U P P-545. Automated activities can process
Stock control will prepare a separate survey each time
offload items by using the mechanized offload
a loss of fuel is determined. At the end of each month,
procedures in SUADPS-RT. Stock control personnel
stock control sends a message report of fuel inventory
can also use SUADPS-RT to process offload items
adjustments to NAVICP. This report is required
manually by using the proper option and computer
monthly to include negative reports. NAVICP uses
these reports to review and combine gains, losses, and
surveys on a quarterly basis. NAVICP will process the
Aviation Fuel
result as charge or credit to an allotment provided by
the type commander for the net gains or losses.
Aviation ships record inventories of aviation fuel
in the same manner as Navy stock account (NSA)
items. Stock control maintains the material data
information for aviation fuel in the stock records.
Learning Objective: Recall the various
Stock control uses the stock record for recording all
transactions, such as receipts, issues, and transfers. For
material custodian (afloat) or inventory
activities using SUADPS-RT, refer to the support
division (ashore).
procedures for processing the transactions.
The information contained in this chapter has
PROCUREMENT.--The aviation fuels officer is
general application to all ships. Except for reactor or
responsible for determining fuel requirements. The
plant support material in nuclear powered ships,
aviation fuels officer advises the supply officer of the
q u a n t i t y a n d d e s i r e d d e l ive r y d a t e o f s t o c k
areas for management purposes as follows:
replenishment. Stock control prepares requisitions for
O P E R AT I N G S PA C E I T E M S ( O S I s ) .
aviation fuels by using the off-line procedures. Refer to
c h a p t e r 3 o f N AV S U P P - 4 8 5 f o r a d d i t i o n a l
Operating space items are in the custody and
information about requisitioning procedures.
under the management of the department heads.
Certain operating space items that require
RECEIPTS.--Stock control processes receipt
special inventory control are designated as
transactions according to the local procedures.
Differences between the quantity invoiced and
REPAIR PARTS. Repair parts are in the custody
quantity received are processed as gain or loss by
of the supply officer when supply department